Kamala Harris Cackles Hysterically When Asked If She’ll Visit The Border

Whenever Kamala Harris is lying or asked a question she doesn’t want to answer she breaks into a hysterical cackle. With the Biden-created illegal immigration crisis going on, the illegitimate VP broke into inappropriate laughter when asked if she’d visit the border to see for herself what’s going. You can take that as a “no” she won’t be visiting but she did try to blame Trump for creating Biden’s border crisis because her bullshit laughing always comes with some regular bullshit too.

Kamaltoe was in Jacksonville, Florida today to help sell Biden’s BS Covid-19 relief bill, which has already been signed into law, so what’s the point? As she came down the stairs from the plane, it was a bit windy but somehow she managed to not trip and fall, even in heels, like Joe Biden did last Friday.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she chose to ignore the saluting military members, but gave a chicken wing to some civilian white dude.

She then walked over and addressed the press to tell them that she would only be talking about The American Rescue plan. Since the bill has already passed and there’s a full blown border crisis, the press however wanted to talk about the border crisis:

“Do you plan to visit the border?” asked a reporter.

Kamala’s eyes got wide as she was literally shocked by this question.

“Uh, not today,” said Kamala with her trademark cackle.

What the f*ck is so funny about that? No seriously, how is Harris dodging this question with inappropriate laughter a joke? Does he think kids in cages is suddenly hilarious or is she just doing what she always does: being phony?

“But I have before and I’m sure I will again,” added Harris.

She visited the border before to accuse Trump of putting kids in cages built by Obama, but now that Biden is packing those cages to 10-times capacity, she may visit sometime in the future.

Though she didn’t want to talk about the border, another reporter asked her an easier question, blaming any criticism of Biden’s crisis on Republicans.

“On the border, there’s obviously a lot of political pressure from Republicans in particular on this administration,” asked the reporter. “What can the administration do, at least in the short term, to assure people that it’s really taking steps to make sure that the people, children in particular, are being treated humanely?”

Now that’s the kind of question Kamala likes. No fake cackling needed.

“First of all, we were left with a very challenging situation,” replied Harris.

Are you shitting me? Did she just blame Biden’s border crisis on the previous administration? Yes she did and then she doubled down on this lie:

“And again, we were presented, when we came in, with serious challenges,” Harris said.

And what were those challenges? If it was that not enough illegal aliens were coming in to rig the 2022 mid-term elections, then she might get by on a technicality with this lie.

For the record, Trump left the current illegitimate administration with the most secure border in U.S. history and Biden opened it up and invited all the illegals in.