California Registered A Whole Mess Of Ineligible Voters

The state of California allows illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses and it also automatically registers people to vote when they get or renew a driver’s license. What could possibly go wrong? Well, apparently the state just learned that they “accidentally” registered some 1,500 ineligible people to vote. They claim none of these people are in the country illegally, which sounds like a lie, but many of them are non-citizens and convicted felons. Making this even more maddening, the state has no idea if any of these ineligible voters cast ballots in the recent state primaries.

NBC San Diego reports:

The DMV said about 1,500 people may have been incorrectly registered between April 23 and Sept. 25 because of a “processing error.” That includes legal residents who are not citizens, although the DMV says none of the people mistakenly registered are people living in the country illegally.

I call bullshit on this. I guarantee illegal immigrants were registered to vote and that they actually voted. I can’t prove this is true, but the state of California can’t prove it’s false and my reputation for honesty is better, so suck on that.

And the problem is clearly much bigger than the state is letting on:

California’s motor voter law letting residents automatically register to vote took effect in April. Since then, people have newly registered or updated their voter registration more than a million times. The new law is aimed at making it easier for people to register and boosting voter turnout.

A million new registered voters in a state with nearly 3 million illegal immigrants? And they only accidentally registered 1,500 people? And they claim all of these people are here legally?

Again, I’m calling bullshit. I’m sure they registered hundreds of thousands, if not millions of illegal immigrants and I’m also sure these lawbreakers are voting for democrats. Is it a coincidence that the number of illegal immigrants in California is almost equal to the number of votes Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by in the 2016 presidential election?

Another reason why I’m questioning California’s version of things is because they wouldn’t have even caught this if it weren’t for one single Canadian:

The DMV discovered the errors after the Los Angeles Times inquired about a Canadian who was incorrectly registered, the paper reported. The green card holder contacted the Times after he was mistakenly registered when he tried to replace his driver’s license at the DMV, the paper reported.

I give Canadians a lot of crap but this one Canuck did an ootstanding job of exposing California’s massive voter fraud problem. Also, I’m just kidding, I love Canada (besides the socialism) especially hockey, poutine, and Rob Ford.

Once again we have some compelling evidence of voter fraud and yet liberals insist this is a fantasy of conservative conspiracy theorists. The thing is, all of the voter fraud that turns up, and there’s a lot of it, involves people fraudulently voting for democrats. I have a feeling that if people were casting bogus ballots for Republicans, suddenly liberals would recognize it and call it the biggest threat to out democracy ever. You know, because liberals are full of shit like that.