Alec Baldwin Calls To Overthrow The Us Government

The lefties have been getting rambunctious lately with their violent rhetoric and actions against Republicans. Hillary Clinton said the time for civility is over and former AG Eric Holder is telling democrats to kick Republicans. Untalented actor Alec Baldwin, as leader of the liberal Hollywood Resistance, got in on the fun by calling for the US government to be overthrown. Also, Baldwin’s new TV show is a complete flop, which isn’t all that related to this story, but it is funny considering what a pompous condescending ass he is.

The Union Leader reports that Baldwin delivered the keynote speech at the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner and naturally he talked about staging a coup against the US Government. It’d have been weird if he didn’t.

“The way we implement change in America is through elections. In that orderly way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump. Not in a violent, awful way, but it must be overthrown nonetheless. Let’s make America great again, by making Donald Trump a casino operator again,” said Baldwin.

It’s kind of an oddly-worded statement because he started out talking about elections, but he twice said that the US government needs to be overthrown and that’s not how elections work. I guess it’s possible as a liberal elitist bubble-dweller that Baldwin really has no idea how elections work, but given his anti-Trump stance and the fact that he’s a crybaby leftist, I think it’s pretty clear he’s talking about overthrowing the government.

Another puzzling aspect of Baldwin’s statement is that he appeared to be talking about getting rid of Trump and yet he continually said that the government must be overthrown. Donald Trump is not the US Government, he’s the President of the United States. Baldwin’s plan is for a complete overthrow of the government, which again is not how elections work but exactly how coups and violent revolts go down.

Like all liberals, Baldwin is all talk and no action, so this isn’t a serious threat. In fact, it’s all part of the crippling Trump Derangement Syndrome he suffers from. During a Q&A with reporters after his coup speech, Baldwin let it be know that Trump is living rent-free in his head:

“For me, every day I wake up, I still am horrified. I feel like I’m in some dream where Trump is the President. In New York, Donald Trump is not a punch line. He’s not a joke. He is nothing. He went on a TV show for many years and convinced middle America that he was this crack businessman,” Baldwin said.

The fact that Baldwin thinks this is the reason why Trump is President shows how clueless liberals are. Americans elected Trump for a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest is because he’s not a goofball liberal like Baldwin, Hillary, or Obama. The people were, and still are, sick and tried of job-killing rights-squashing commonsense-obliterating liberalism.

And just for fun, here’s a thing from Entertainment Weekly:

[Baldwin’s] new primetime ABC series Sunday night premiered pretty low in the ratings — just 2.2 million viewers tuned in with only a 0.4 among adults 18-49. That means it ranked as Sunday’s lowest-rated show in the demo on a broadcast network (and that even includes The CW’s lineup and Fox’s repeats of The Simpsons and The Cool Kids in the 7 p.m. hour).

What makes it funnier is that the Entertainment Weekly write-up didn’t even include the name of Baldwin’s show, like it performed so poorly that whatever the hell it’s called is irrelevant because it will be cancelled soon.