Elizabeth Warren Took A DNA Test And Her Indian Story Still Doesn’t Add Up

Democrat Elizabeth Warren claimed she was an Indian princess to further her career but was spectacularly busted in the lie. Despite every major Native American genealogist finding no evidence that she was anything but a white European, she stuck by her claim. President Trump, who calls the Massachusetts Senator “Pocahontas,” dared her to take a DNA test and she actually finally did. It turns out she has trace amounts of Native American blood, but her story that her mother was a Cherokee Indian was definitely proven false.

Warren’s story has always been that her parents had to elope because her mother was Cherokee and her father’s racist family was against the marriage. Now, she has taken a DNA test to prove her story, but it definitely doesn’t. In this video, Warren had herself filmed as she received the results of her test from Stanford University Professor Carlos D. Bustamante:

“The president likes to call my mom a liar. What do the facts say?” Warren asks.

“The facts suggest that you absolutely have Native American ancestry in your pedigree,” replied Bustamante.

Sounds like she has been vindicated, right? Not so fast. Bustamante further explained that it’s not “absolute” that Warren has Native American blood, but rather the test results “strongly suggest” she does. And it gets worse because her possible Indian ancestry is, “in the range of 6-10 generations ago.” That means it possible that her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother was a non-specific Native American.

Here’s Fox News with some perspective on just how “Native American” Elizabeth Warren might be:

According to the analysis, if Warren’s great-great-great-grandmother were Native American, she would be considered 1/32 Native American. Should Warren’s ancestor date back 10 generations, she would be only 1/1,024 Native American.

If the results of this DNA test are accurate, and there’s no evidence that they are, Warren’s Indian pedigree is almost nonexistent and the same goes for her mother. Warren is using the results of this test to rebuke President Trump, but in reality it proves his point. She doesn’t have enough Indian blood to qualify her as a minority, which she claimed she was at Harvard to advance her career.

Warren is also using the results of the test to attack Trump for being racist because while she has no real Native American ancestry, she has a 100% liberal pedigree.

“This isn’t just about casual racism: Native chants, tomahawk chops. Native communities have faced discrimination, neglect, and violence for generations. And Trump can say whatever he wants about me, but mocking Native Americans or any group, in order to try get at me. That’s not what America stands for,” said Warren.

Trump wasn’t mocking Native Americans, he was making fun of Elizabeth Warren for pretending to be Native American. Even in the face of her sad DNA test results, she’s still trying to portray her rich white elitist ass as an oppressed minority.

Last year I adopted a puppy and because this was a rescue pup, I really had know way of knowing what breed or mix she was. Based on her appearance I had my suspicions, but I went ahead and got a DNA test to know for sure. As it turns out she is mostly a husky/malamute/border collie mix, but she has 10% wild canine. That means my dog could possibly have some wolf or coyote or even dingo in her.

My dog is more wild canine than Elizabeth Warren is Native American, but I don’t go around telling people she is a wolf because she’s not. Warren however, with less that 1% Indian blood, continues to perpetuate the lie that she and her mother are Cherokee Indians.