Amy Schumer Feels Bad For ‘Hot’ Women

You’ve heard of reverse racism? Well this is is reverse body-shaming. Unfunny comedian Amy Schumer says she feels bad for women who are attractive, which is odd coming from a pudgy uggo like her. In related news Michael Moore says he feels bad for people who can see if their shoes are tied and Hillary Clinton feels bad for people who can win elections.

Schumer was on Dax Shepard’s podcast Armchair Expert, which is as dumb as it sounds, and told the guy who played Frito in Idiocracy that hot sexy women have it tough:

“Being a woman sucks. It’s very difficult, and something else that we’ve all realized is like, we are sexualized like, all the time – even when it seems crazy – so I feel really bad for these girls who are so hot because guys can’t handle it. You can’t have a conversation. Everything’s gonna skew sexual and you’re gonna be treated differently. And honestly, I actually feel really bad for them,” said Schumer.

I’m sure “hot” women are fine with their appearance and don’t think they need Amy Schumer’s pity. And really, that’s what this is about. In dealing with her own unattractiveness, Schumer is trying to downplay the advantages of not being hideous. In her own passive aggressive way she’s saying, “Yeah, you may be hot, but at least I don’t have to put up with people being attracted to me.”

When asked if she wished she was more attractive, Schumer said, “I would not change a f*cking thing.”

Sure, she wouldn’t. There’s a pretty good reason why she’s a comedian and not a swimsuit model. She craves attention and comedy is the only way she can get it.

After attacking hot women for being hot, Schumer then went after the ugly women:

“Then there’s also women that feel so unattractive that they’re just invisible…it just sucks anyway,” Schumer said.

This is what is called “Goldilocks Feminism.” You don’t want to be too hot or too ugly, but just right, as I’m assuming Schumer mistakenly feels she is. Because she’s a liberal and completely full of shit, it turns out it’s bad to be any kind of a woman.

“Women are mostly scared of violence because, you know, one in six women reports being sexually assaulted but really it’s one in three women, so we’re not even like, ‘is this going to happen?’ We’re like, ‘when?’ Women, we run home at night….we live in constant fear of violence,” said Schumer.

So in the end it doesn’t matter if you are too hot or too ugly, because as Schumer says, all women get raped. It seems like she could have skipped the part where she insulted hot women and got right to the rape thing. In reality this is her way of saying all men are horrible. How she was able to sit there and talk to Dax Shepard is a mystery for many reasons.

Schumer said that she lives in constant fear of being raped and runs home at night. It’s too bad she’s a liberal anti-gun nut and doesn’t believe in the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. If she armed herself, she could walk home at night and squash her irrational fear that everyone wants to sexually assault her.