Rosie O’Donnell Wants To Send The US Military To Take Trump Out

Rosie O’Donnell had Trump Derangement Syndrome before it was cool in liberal circles. Many years ago, way before he was President, he called her a “pig” and she’s been unnaturally obsessed with him ever since. Now that he’s President of the United States, O’Donnell’s TDS has reached critical mass and MSNBC was nice enough to invite her on to meltdown in public. Among other things, she wants to send the US military after Trump to take him out because she thinks she has that power.

To discuss the upcoming midterm elections, MSNBC put together an expert panel of Rosie O’Donnell and crybaby ex-Republican Steve Schmidt. O’Donnell started out by saying that Trump rallies are “Nazi-esque” and said he shouldn’t be allowed to campaign for other Republicans. She then complained that the liberal media doesn’t do enough to attack Trump, which kind of shows she doesn’t really watch the news.

Host Nicole Wallace asked O’Donnell what the 2016 election night was like for her and the TDS really came pouring out.

“It was horrible. I was away, by myself…and I said to my therapist “do you think it’s wrong for me to go alone, it’s election night and what if he wins?’…I actually got physically sick. I got physically sick that night and I thought to myself, ‘this cannot be happening,’” said O’Donnell.

And as if that doesn’t sound mentally unhealthy enough…

“That he won, it took me a good year to compose myself to be in public again. I took a year out of the spotlight,” said O’Donnell.

So this is her being composed? Also, when has she ever been in the spotlight? Well, a positive spotlight, anyway. Just to prove that she is now composed enough to be in public, she said this:

“When he was elected what I wrote of Twitter was we should impose martial law until we make sure the Russians weren’t involved in the final tallies of the votes,” O’Donnell said.

In one hell of a non-sequitur host Nicolle Wallace mentioned that Trump said he might send the military to to protect the US/Mexico border.

“I want to send the military to the White House to get him,” said O’Donnell.

Both Wallace and Schmidt chuckled as they nodded approvingly at O’Donnell’s plan to take out Trump with the US Military. The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson chimed in with “That’s actually a pretty good idea!”

It never occurred to anyone on the set that Rosie O’Donnell, as an out-of-work liberal lunatic, doesn’t have the authority to order a military strike against the President of the United States. Obviously Trump Derangement Syndrome causes delusions in liberals who are already hopelessly delusional.

In another part of this discussion, the panel was talking about how Trump has made the entire country racist and sexist. Then O’Donnell actually blamed the President because she claims someone walked up to her on the street and called her a “dyke.” Maybe her physical appearance can take credit for that one.

Despite saying she will send the military to take out Trump, O’Donnell then indicated that she believes special council Robert Mueller’s bullshit Russian collusion investigation will do the trick.

“When he’s finally out, at the end of September when the indictments drop and when justice is served, how are we going to heal this nation?” O’Donnell said.

Uh, the end of September was almost 3 weeks ago and as far as I know, Mueller didn’t drop any indictments on Trump. Maybe in O’Donnell’s TDS world, time isn’t as linear as it is for the rest of us.

As for healing the nation, Rosie should worry more about healing her crippling obsession with Donald Trump. Obviously her therapist isn’t getting the job done, so maybe a lobotomy is in order to remove Trump from her head, who has been living there rent-free for at least a decade.