Hollywood Resistance Tries To Take Down Trump’s Helicopter With A Middle Finger

No one was hit harder by he results of a free and fair election than those patriotic Hollywood actors. Since Donald Trump’s election gave them a case of the sads, they formed “The Resistance” to undo the will of the American people but so far their efforts haven’t yielded any tangible results. One brave Resistance fighter took it upon himself today to do what Rob Reiner and Alyssa Milano couldn’t: take down Trump. As the President’s helicopter fly over his neighborhood, an actor you’ve never heard of flipped the bird in hopes of knocking the aircraft out of the sky and ending liberal Hollywood’s nightmare. Shockingly, it didn’t work.

Kaj-Erik Eriksen is a bit actor who has been in a lot of stuff you’ve probably heard of, but you wouldn’t recognize him if he were standing next to you. I looked up his filmography and the coolest thing I could find was that he was on a couple of episodes of MacGuyver.

According to his Wikipedia page, he is Canadian and, “is a fan of Dave Matthews Band.” Clearly this man is insane and he posted a video on Twitter to prove it.

President Trump was in Los Angeles this week, exacerbating the Trump Derangement Syndrome epidemic, and happened to do a fly-by on Eriksen’s neighborhood. That prompted this rational and mature response:

What a moron. Everyone knows Marine One has anti-middle finger technology.

I too live in the general vicinity of this Resistance goofball and also saw the President’s helicopter and escort fly by, though I didn’t blast any middle fingers. My dog looked up like she wanted to chase them, but she does that with all low-flying aircraft and birds.

It was actually pretty awesome and I got a much better fly-over than Eriksen. There were 3 V-22 Ospreys, which are cool as hell to see, followed by 2 Marine helicopters. They were maybe 60-70 feet overhead and I could feel the chopping of the blades pounding in my chest. It shook my house like an earthquake. It was not unlike standing next to the PA column at a Motorhead show. R.I.P. Lemmy.

I kind of figured Trump decided to rattle some windows in Adam Schiff’s Congressional district, which to me is hilarious. My elderly liberal neighbor across the street came running out of the house like the world was coming to an end, which to her I’m sure it has. There’s also a guy a couple of houses down who kept a Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign sign in his yard for almost a year after she lost the election, so I’m sure was crapping his pants too.

The liberal Hollywood Resistance has tried everything they can think of to topple Trump and nothing has worked. They’ve tried profanity, blacklists, boycotts, more profanity, and hot pink capes but somehow Trump is still in office. Now, they are reduced to standing in their yards and making obscene gestures at the sky.

Much like how Hollywood is out of original ideas, the Hollywood Resistance can’t think of anything to reverse the 2016 election. They are doing a bang up job of making sure Trump gets reelected in 2020, but that’s not intentional so they get no credit.