Lefties Lose It When Trump Says ‘Middle Easterners” Part Of Migrant Caravan

Considering how much the left loses it, it’s surprising they have anything left to lose. The latest manufactured outrage is over the migrant caravan moving towards the US. President Trump has threatened to withhold foreign aide to Mexico and Honduras if they don’t stop the 7,000-plus migrants trying to bust down our doors, which already has liberals in an agitated state. Today the President said that the caravan also includes “unknown Middle Easterners” which has the left screaming “Islamophobia!” Guess what? Trump is 100% right on this one, but since when do liberals care about facts when it comes to raging against the President?

This caravan nonsense started off with hundreds of Hondurans setting out from their shithole country to the United States. It quickly picked up momentum and the caravan has swelled to maybe 10,000 people. They marched their way through Guatemala and busted their way into Mexico. Now they are headed our way and Trump is rightfully treating it as a major threat to our country.

He sent this tweet out and liberal just lost it:

Here’s what CNN’s S.E. Cups had to say about Trump’s “unknown Middle Easterners” comment:

“It’s not even a dog-whistle, it’s fear-mongering at its most naked,” Cupp said. “The President is choosing fear, to just keep people afraid.”

Former CIA Director General Michael Hayden was outraged:

So was The Hill editor and founder Ed Krassenstein:

The Daily Beast’s Sam Stein couldn’t handle the racism:

And New York Times’ Mahggie Habberman saw the Islamophobia:

Even RINO Jeff Flake was appalled:

But as The Daily Caller points out, Univision is reporting that there actually are Muslim migrants imbedded in the caravan.

A Spanish language reporter who has spent weeks embedded with the migrant caravan said in a Friday report that people from Bangladesh had joined the mass of people trying to cross from Guatemala into Mexico.

Univision correspondent Francisco Santa Anna reported from the bridge separating Guatemala and Mexico. The bridge has been packed with thousands of migrants demanding access to Mexico, with the ultimate goal of crossing the border of the United States illegally. The caravan has now swelled to many thousands.

The Bangladeshis, he said, were detained in an immigration facility, though it’s not clear what happened to them after their detention.

“The borders in Central American are not as strong as the U.S., which makes it possible for people from Panama and Ecuador to cross easily. They cross from Costa Rica, then later go through Guatemala and eventually make it into our country. Yesterday when we were traveling through Guatemala, we noticed people from El Salvador and even people from Bangladesh,” said Santa Ana.

Bangladesh is a country with 141 million Muslims and a significant ISIS presence. If there are Bangladeshis in the caravan, and that appears to be the case, chances are they are Muslim and probably terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. The fact that these scumbags are trying to sneak into the US by hiding within another group of scumbags is nothing but scary.

Bangladesh isn’t exactly the Middle East, but that doesn’t matter thanks to the liberal freak-out. The left’s faux outrage is over Trump “dog whistling” that Muslim terrorists are part of the caravan, so that makes the President’s statement 100% accurate. Plus, who knows, there could actually be some people from Syria, Yemen, or Afghanistan mixed in as well.