Liberals Hyperventilate Because President Trump Loves America

OMG! The President of the United States Loves the United States! How dare he? That sounds stupid, but liberals are stupid and they are outraged that President Trump declared himself a nationalist. That’s just a fancy word for someone who loves his country or in simpler terms, a patriot. I get it that liberals don’t like this country very much and they became accustomed to 8 years of Obama hating on America, but come on, the POTUS should love those last 2 letters more than anything else.

President Trump held a campaign rally in Texas for Senator Ted Cruz and he said these words that have caused liberals to hyperventilate:

“A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much. We can’t have that. You know, they have a word — it sort of became old-fashioned — it’s called a nationalist. We’re not supposed to use that world. You know what I am? I’m a nationalist, OK? I’m a nationalist,” said Trump.

There’s actually two problems for liberals on this one. The first being that the left genuinely hates America, so any expression of patriotism is met with disgust. The second is that liberals conflate nationalism with white nationalism, which they consider synonymous with racism or neo-Nazism. There two things are not the same.

Here’s Wikipedia to explain nationalism:

Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining sovereignty (self-governance) over the homeland. The political ideology of nationalism holds that a nation should govern itself, free from outside interference and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared, social characteristics, such as culture and language, religion and politics, and a belief in a common ancestry. Nationalism, therefore, seeks to preserve a nation’s culture, by way of pride in national achievements, and is closely linked to patriotism, which, in some cases, includes the belief that the nation should control the country’s government and the means of production.

In other words, American nationalism is a belief that America is exceptional and that our county comes first before any other nation. You know, patriotism or straight up loving the good ole US of A. This is not a dirty word, nor is it racist.

On the flip side of that coin, an American who is not a nationalist is someone who doesn’t love this country or think that we are the greatest nation that ever was. It’s someone who hates our history and culture. It’s someone who believes that America should not be a sovereign state nor should it self-govern, bowing to a global authority. I believe we call those people the Democratic Party, liberals, progressives, socialists, and 95% of all journalists.

And here are some of those America-haters now. “Dumbest Guy On TV” Don Lemon thinks it’s super-racist that Trump called himself a nationalist:

“Wow. We’re gonna talk about that word tonight. It is a favorite of the alt-right and is loaded with nativist and racial undertones. And globalist. Well, globalist has been used as a slur of sorts, sometimes even against those in the administration, often with anti-semitic overtones. Which just happened to make the President come right out and embrace nationalism. Openly. And claim that mantle,” said Lemon.

Fellow CNN stooge Chris Cuomo was upset that Trump’s declaration of nationalism would give the rest of the world a case of the sads:

“This is who the president is. He is for the USA but at the detriment of other nations. Is that really the message to send when we need allies more than ever,” Cuomo said. “He has decided to cast his lot with the minority of this country, feeding their disaffection and disrespect,” said Cuomo.

Did you catch that? According to Chris Cuomo, most people in America don’t love this country and those who do are disaffected and disrespectful. I didn’t think it was possible for Chris Cuomo to be any bigger of a piece of shit, and yet here we are.

And where we are is a point where the liberal media is now attacking the freely-elected President of the United Staes for loving America. Here’s a thought: if liberals hate this country so much, and they do, then they should get the f*ck out. Go live in a socialist paradise like Venezuela or some other 3rd world shithole. It may give them some perspective on America’s greatness.