Middle School Hosts Drag Queen Named ‘Jessica L’Whor’ For Career Day

Thanks to a woke intersectional (and clearly insane) administration, school children now know about the wonderful career opportunities of dressing in drag and calling yourself a whore. A middle school in Colorado, yes middle school, hosted a drag queen who goes by the name Jessica L’Whor for career day. Forget about vocations or professions, in today’s economy the future is all about dressing up like a woman and doing whatever it is that drag queens do (I honestly have no idea). You’re never too young to learn stuff like this.

CBS Denver reports that parents at Rocky Top Middle School in Adams County, CO are a bit upset that the school didn’t tell them they were bringing in a drag queen for career day. The school district refuses to apologize for hosting Jessica L’Whor, but they are sorry they didn’t give parents a head’s up.

This particular middle school has grades 6 through 8 so it’s likely that are 11 and 12-year-olds were treated to this inappropriate spectacle. L’Whor (Get it? It’s like “the whore” only Frencher and more draggy) apparently went into several classrooms to do whatever it is drag queens do. Again, I have no idea.

If you are like me, you are probably wondering how a drag queen is an occupation, which would seem to be the prerequisite for someone being invited to career day. Well, according to L’Whor, he works “6 days a week,” but wouldn’t elaborate on what that work is.

Despite being billed as “career day” school district spokesperson Joe Ferdani said L’Whor was invited to “demonstrate inclusiveness.”

“The school’s focus is to have an event that is representative of the [diverse] backgrounds and careers in the community,” said Ferdani.

Clearly these people have no idea what a school career day is. Why not have an “inclusiveness day” and let parents and students opt out of that freak show?

Plus, L’Whor didn’t even talk about his career as a drag queen. He read them a book about bullying instead.

“The book talks about bullies, and the negative things that can happen through being bullied,” said L’Whor.

So being a victim is a career? Actually, I’m almost certain it is, but holy shit, is this really the kind of thing schools need to be teaching kids?

Apparently this sick indoctrination reached exactly four kids, which is four too many:

“I went to four classes. In every class, one person asked me how to handle negativity and hate,” said L’Whor.

L’Whor insists he is not trying to turn little kids into drag queens. Again I don’t feel like anyone involved understands the purpose of career day.

“I would tell the parents, ‘I’m not telling your kid to go off and become a drag queen.’ I’m telling them to have the conversations. Because, it will come up in life,” L’Whor said.

Amazingly enough the only time that drag queen conversation comes up is when ridiculous shit like this happens.

The school district said it would not apologize for bringing a drag queen to campus but they did say in the future they would let parents know who or what they invite going forward:

Rocky Top’s Principal apologized to parents, and said all future career day guests would be identified for parents to review beforehand.

If a parent is against their child hearing from a speaker, they will be allowed the opportunity to pull their child from the speech.

To me that indicates that have some even crazier stuff cooking up for next career day. Maybe a pedophile or perhaps a crack whore? Hey those are just as much of a career as drag queen and exactly as inappropriate for kids to learn about.