Bombs Sent To Top Democrats Are An Obvious Hoax

The whole point of a package bomb is to explode when the target opens it. Unabomber Ted Kazinsky’s package bombs blew up and so did the ones from Austin bomber Mark Conditt. The 10 package bombs sent to prominent democrats this week however did not explode. Many of them were opened and handled by numerous people and yet no BOOM! The reason for this is because these were not real bombs. This entire thing is a hoax and the only question now is: why is someone sending fake bombs to democrats?

There have now been 10 fake bombs sent. The first one discovered was at leftist billionaire George Soros’ house. Then fake bombs were found intended for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, former AG Eric Holder, former CIA head John Brennan, Rep. Maxine Waters (2), Joe Biden (2), and actor Robert De Niro.

All of these so-called explosive devices were delivered in similar envelopes with 6 un-post marked stamps and former DNC chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the return address. The FBI reports that the “Bombs” are also similar in that they are crudely made and unlikely to be actual working explosives. Also, apparently all or some of them bear a sticker that looks like an ISIS flag but has Larry the Cable Guy’s signature “Get er Done” catchphrase.

The package sent to grumpy guy John Brennan actually went to the NY offices of CNN, where employees opened it, handled it, and even took a picture:

Navy veteran and former bomb disposal officer Tom Sauer looked at the Brennan/CNN bomb and made these informed observations:

Even the New York Times is reporting that the FBI thinks these “explosive devices” are complete bullshit:

None of the devices harmed anyone, and it was not immediately clear whether any of them could have. One law enforcement official said investigators were examining the possibility that they were hoax devices that were constructed to look like bombs but would not have exploded.

It’s very obvious that whoever sent these things didn’t make them to actually explode, but rather to be discovered and create a panic. As I said before, package bombs explode, but these didn’t.

That brings us back to the question: why? If you look at the targets of this hoax, it’s all vocal critics of President Trump and that has the liberal media crying that this is the work of some Trump-supporting right-wing lunatic. I believe that the media reaction was exactly what the person who sent these packages was going for and that this is an attempted frame up.

In addition to wanting the “bombs” discovered, this mad hoaxer wanted to create sympathy for the poor liberal “victims” and outrage aimed at President Trump. With a motive like that, the perpetrator can only be a left-wing lunatic. Plus ISIS and Larry the Cable Guy? Come on, this hoaxer is trying way to hard to make it look like the work of a right-wing extremist.

The timing of these hoax bombs also gives a clue that this is a liberal plot. The midterms are less than two weeks away and the democrats “blue wave” doesn’t look like it’s going to happen, mostly on account of the fact that the jackass party has been going donkey-shit crazy attacking and threatening Republicans. With this package bomb hoax, the sender is hoping to draw some attention away from the collective violent liberal insanity and portray Republicans as the real threat.