Disgusting Liberals Compare D-Day Soldiers To Scumbag Antifa Terrorists

Saturday was the 76th anniversary of the D-Day invasion where Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to liberate France from the Nazis. As many as 10,000 soldiers, many of them American, paid the ultimate price for what would be the beginning of the end for Hitler’s Germany. To commemorate one of the most important events in history, liberal douchebags are comparing the brave Allied soldiers with the unemployed loser scumbags of the domestic terrorist group Antifa. The reason for this disgusting comparison is of course to resist President Trump.

As Antifa terrorists have been promoting violent riots across the country, President Trump has threatened to designate them as a terrorist organization. Because all liberals are horrible, hate America, and can’t stop crying about the results of the 2016 election, they picked D-Day to to escalate their collective temper tantrum by disparaging courageous U.S. troops.

Here’s Bernie Sanders foreign policy adviser showing off what kind of ignorance he brings to the table:

NPR’s White House correspondent Mara Liasson showed why the federal government should defund her shamelessly biased employers:

Aaron Rupar from Vox, the dumb liberal website that explains things to dumber liberals, topped his previously dumbest tweet by a lot:

And Bill Clinton’s former Labor Secretary, Robert Reich, made an ass of himself:

Antifa stands for “anti-fascist” but that’s just a name that bears no connection to anarchist activities of the group.

While the Allied soldiers fought to liberate Europe and defeat the Nazis, Antifa sucker-punches people they think look like Nazis and throw rocks at people driving to work.

The soldiers of the D-Day invasion were immeasurably brave, while Antifa gang up 10-1 to beat an old man wearing a MAGA hat with bike locks and run scared whenever the odds are even.

The U.S. soldiers at Normandy sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom, but all Antifa sacrifices is personal hygiene while restricting our freedom by closing down streets with violent riots.

The Americans who fought in WWII were the Greatest Generation while Antifa are the worst of the worst generation.

The Nazis were genuine fascists, while Antifa thinks capitalism, free speech, and democracy are fascism.

The truth is, Antifa attacks and shuts down anyone they disagree with. They are not fighting fascism, they are fascists. Calling themselves “anti-fascism” is as dishonest as if they called themselves The Successful Clean-Cut Tolerance Brigade. They are scumbags, they are losers, but most of all, they are terrorists.

These liberal media clowns think they nailed Trump with this horrible comparison between the D-Day soldiers and Antifa, but what they’ve actually done is prove they are just as useless as domestic terrorist tearing up our cities. Antifa contributes nothing to this country and neither does the liberal media. In fact, since they are running propaganda for terrorists it makes them terrorists too.