NYC Doesn’t Want Any Of You Redneck MAGA Mofos

Liberals toss around the words “diversity” and “inclusion” quite a bit, but what they really mean is they want everyone who is exactly like them to be included, which is the complete opposite of diversity. They don’t want any white straight Christian conservatives and they sure as hell don’t want anyone who supports President Trump. In fact, according to liberals supporting the President is enough to turn a minority into a white racist. A street artist in New York City has taken this liberal concept of togetherness and made it into a campaign to keep out all of those “deplorable” MAGA hat wearing hillbillies.

Bedford + Bowery reports that street artist Winston Tseng has created a PSA ad campaign telling, “Trumpers Where They Can Go.” The artist plastered posters on DSNY trash cans all over the city picturing what are supposed to be typical Trump supporters with a red line through them and the words: “Keep NYC Trash Free.” Normally these trash cans have posters that read: ““LET’S MAKE NYC CLEAN AND RAT FREE.” Apparently this tolerant liberal thinks Trump supporters are worse than disease infested rats.

In one poster, there is a slightly overweight white man in a MAGA hat with a heart-shaped Confederate flag tattoo, drinking from a Chick-fil-A cup.

Don’t worry, this isn’t as sexist as it seems because there’s a woman Trump supporter poster as well. The female version shows a woman, again in a MAGA hat, clutching a Holy Bible.

That pretty much covers every type of person liberals despise: whites, conservatives, Trump supporters, Christians, and straight traditional families. I guess the artist left out cops and the US Military, but it’s pretty close to everyone on the liberal hate list. There’s actually another poster that wants to keep Boston sports fans out of NYC too, but that’s a whole different thing.

Now try to imaging a similar campaign when Obama was in office. What if there were posters of Obama phone recipients and DREAMers calling them trash? Or how about a big red line drawn through Black Lives Matter protesters, Muslim refugees, or illegal immigrants? Those are all of the people besides Hollywood liberals that I can think of being typical Obama supporters. Obviously this wouldn’t have been in NYC, but if posters like this showed up in Texas it would have been a national outrage and the single most racist thing ever.

This isn’t an official PSA campaign from NYC, but you know leftist Mayor Bill de Blasio is loving it. He’s probably yelling at his staff as we speak for not coming up with this first. I won’t be the least bit shocked if Socialist Bill grabs some of those New Yorker tax dollars and rolls out a similar campaign for the subway system. Hell, he might put this posters up at every point of entry into NYC.

New York loves them some scumbags like junkies, cop-killers, and terrorists, but they have a zero-tolerance policy for white patriots with jobs. This tells you everything you need to know about the left and their bullshit calls for inclusion and unity. You’re either crazy like them or they hate you.

I have news for for this intolerant street artist. Most Trump supporters have no desire to go to NYC. For some reason those MAGA hat wearing Trump-loving rednecks think toilets are for crapping in, not visiting.