Planned Parenthood Finally Found Some Babies They Don’t Want To Kill

Earlier today President Trump announced his plan to end birthright citizenship by executive order. Naturally the left went ballistic claiming the President has no authority to stop illegal immigrants from sneaking into the country and popping out instant American babies. There are a lot of crazy liberal takes on this, but none more so than from Planned Parenthood. The nation’s largest abortion provider is outraged that Trump wouldn’t even consider such a thing, but the good news is PP finally found some babies they don’t want to kill.

As news of Trump’s plan to end the anchor baby scourge, Planned Parenthood sent this tweet without a hint of self-awareness:

See, as long as the babies being born are to illegal immigrant parents, PP is totally cool with letting them live. I’m almost certain they still would like to kill these babies, but they know that illegal immigrants are good Democratic Party voters and the democrats will always keep that taxpayer money flowing to the abortionists.

A lot of people would say that killing unborn babies as a matter of convenience is “despicable.” Those same people would say that chopping up living babies inside the mother’s womb and then selling those parts for a profit is “egregious.” Here however, the people who do this stuff think it’s despicable and egregious for the President of the United States to enforce our immigration laws and protect our national sovereignty against a foreign invasion. Planned Parenthood is terrible in so many different ways, aren’t they? Is this what that word “intersectionality” means?

The Planned Parenthood loonies say that abortion is a critical women’s health issue and that babies must be killed to save the lives of the mothers. This is completely untrue but it does have a parallel with immigration enforcement. Illegal immigrants are unwanted and threaten the health of our nation so we remove them to save our country. You’d think Planned Parenthood would be all for enforcing our immigration laws because it’s a non-morally reprehensible version of what they do every day.

It could be that PP is angling for some kind of law that would allow illegal immigrants to gain citizenship if they can sneak into the US and terminate a pregnancy. They could call it The Anchor Abortion Act of 2018. I’m sure there are plenty of democrats who would sponsor a horrifying bill like this. This has Nancy Pelosi written all over it.

Imagine if there was a loophole in the law that said if someone sneaks into your house and successfully takes a shit in your toilet, they get to live in your house rent-free forever and you have to buy the groceries and pay the Netflix account. That’s exactly what birthright citizenship is. It rewards people for sneaking into this country and having a baby on American soil. That anchor baby becomes an American citizen complete with all of the generous government handouts and it is nearly impossible to get the parents out of this country once they’ve dropped that anchor.

Planned Parenthood loves to insert itself into whatever the liberal outrage du jour is, but maybe when the issue involves babies being born, they should sit it out. They could take some our taxpayer money and hire an outrage coordinator who will say, “This thing involves living children, let’s not comment on it.”