Nancy Pelosi Guarantees Big Win For Democrats In Midterms

Babe Ruth once pointed to the stands, calling a home run before the pitch was thrown. Joe Namath guaranteed his underdog New York Jets would win Super Bowl III against the Baltimore Colts. Hillary Clinton congratulated herself for winning the presidency days before the 2016 election. Well, two out of three of those things came through. Nancy Pelosi is stealing a page out of Hillary’s playbook and predicting a big win for democrats in next week’s midterm elections. I have a feeling this will not age well and become a hilarious meme that will haunt the California democrat worse that her saying we needed to pass ObamaCare to find out what’s in it.

Pelosi was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, because she is the kind of guest liberal talk shows think people want to see. They were talking about the midterm elections and the plastic surgery disaster dropped this:

“Let me say this: Up until today, I would have said if the election were held today, we will win. Now I’m saying is, we will win, we will win, we will win,” said Pelosi.

Does she realize that there is no difference between those things? She used to say “we will win” but now she’s saying “we will win.” That’s the same thing, nutjob.

Pelosi’s overconfidence actually gave Colbert a case of the willies, like she was jinxing the midterms.

“Please don’t say that. Do you want to say that on Hillary’s fireworks barge that she canceled?”

Colbert also made the sign of the cross on his chest, adding, “I feel like I should sacrifice a goat or something to take the hex off of what you just said.”

I’m not sure if Colbert is aware that goat sacrifices are not part of Christianity, but then again, he’s probably not an actual Christian. In fact as a leftist, I’m sure he’s appalled by it.

Pelosi was talking about the democrats taking control of the House of Representatives, which would put her back in the Speaker’s chair. She also expanded on this bold prediction:

“The Democrats will carry the House, if we have a bigger victory, the Senate, governorships. It’s going to be a great night for America,” said Pelosi.

The last time democrats had a majority in the House they passed ObamaCare, so them getting control again will be anything but great for America.

While Pelosi is super-confident the dems are going to roll next week, she did qualify her bold prediction:

“If everyone votes, we’ll have even a bigger victory,” Pelosi said.

Oh, so the only way democrats will win is if everyone votes. I am assuming she means illegal immigrants, convicted felons, double-voters, and multi-state voters, you know, the Democratic Party’s base. She may actually have a point. I bet she’s hoping that Honduran caravan gets to the US before next week’s elections, because that would really put the democrats over the top.

There’s no way the democrats are going to take the Senate and they will actually lose seats. The polls are giving the democrats a slight edge in winning the House, but let’s not forget those same polls predicted a landslide victory for Hillary in 2016. Remember how sad Hillary was two years ago (and still is today) when she overestimated her appeal? We’ll revisit this Nancy Pelosi prediction in a week to see her face-lift come undone as she can’t stop crying.