Don Lemon Calls For A Ban On White Men

The “Dumbest Guy On TV” is now the most racist guy on TV. CNN’s Don Lemon said that white men are the biggest threat to America and then actually called for a ban on white guys. This is apparently that “real news” CNN is always talking about. Making this a bigger travesty, white guy host Chris Cuomo completely agreed with Lemon that white men are the scourge of the country and must be banned. I am assuming he meant other white men, not himself.

Lemon was on Cuomo’s show and the two were talking about a white man who shot and killed two black people in Kentucky recently.

“I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity, but we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else. Some people who are marching towards the border like it’s eminent. And the last time they did this, a couple of hundred people came and they, you know, most of them didn’t get into the country. Most of them got tuckered out before they even made it to the border,” Lemon said.

And while he was saying it’s wrong to demonize people, he went ahead and demonized people:

“So we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them,” said Lemmon.

Lemon Squeezy wasn’t all talk, he actually had a plan for what to do about the white men problem.

“There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban on… you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ‘white guy ban.’ So what do we do about that?” Lemon asked.

“They” never had a Muslim ban, there was a travel ban to certain terrorist-sponsor nations with shitty record keeping. The vast majority of Muslim in the world have always been able to travel to the US. That being said, it sure looks like Lemon wants to have a ban on white men, which is both extremely racist and profoundly stupid.

You’d think that Chris Cuomo, as a white man albeit a liberal lunatic one, would have tried to correct his colleague and point out the sheer idiocy of what Lemmon said, but nope. After listening to this kook characterize white men as a threat and call to ban them, Cuomo simply said that Lemon was, “making the right point.”

I don’t support a full ban on white men, but I could get behind a Cuomo ban. Chris’ brother, New York governor Andrew Cuomo, has claimed he is an illegal immigrant and demanded to be deported by the Trump administration, so let’s put both of these Cuomos on a garbage barge to Guatemala.

Lemon wants to ban white men because one white guy killed two black guys in Kentucky. What about the thousands of human beings blacks kill every year in this country? What about the tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of people blacks shoot, rob, rape, and murder annually? Doesn’t that qualify as a bigger threat?

This is CNN. Don Lemon can call white men a threat and wish that there were a ban on them and that’s considered journalism. If anyone talks about the real issue of black crime in this country, it’s very very racist.