Sacre Bleu! French President Suggests Building An Army To Oppose The US

It’s not like the French are known for their military prowess but this is still pretty disturbing. French president Emmanuel Macron is suggesting that Europe needs to raise an army in order to protect itself from, among other things, the United States. Protect against the Germans? Yeah, that makes historical sense, but to protect against America? I thought we allies, mon ami. As you can image Trump didn’t take this ridiculous threat lightly.

In an interview with Agence France Presse Macron laid out his vision for a European force capable of taking on the the world’s greatest militaries:

Macron, who has pushed for a joint EU military force since his arrival in power last year, said Europe needed to reduce its dependence on American might, not least after US President Donald Trump announced he was pulling out of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty.

“We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America,” Macron said.

Bring it, Frenchy.

“When I see President Trump announcing that he’s quitting a major disarmament treaty which was formed after the 1980s euro-missile crisis that hit Europe, who is the main victim? Europe and its security,” said Macron. “We will not protect the Europeans unless we decide to have a true European army.”

President Trump has kind of a bromance thing going with Macron, but I’m guessing it’s over. Trump is slated to meet Macron in France on Saturday, but he tweeted this out in advance:

A rude Frenchman? I’ve never heard of such a thing.

Trump is 100% right that Europe needs to pay it’s fair share for NATO, but Macron kind of has a point too, he just delivered in a tactless way. France and Europe do need to take more responsibility for their protection, which is something Macron eventually got to:

“We need a Europe which defends itself better alone, without just depending on the United States, in a more sovereign manner,” said Macron.

Yes, Europe does need to do this, but it’s a slap in the face to the alliance they have with America to even suggest the US is a threat. We may have different opinions on trade, socialism, and personal hygiene, but the US and most European countries are very strong allies.

Is Macron maybe thinking about getting into it with America? I’ll say it again: bring it Frenchy. The French were obviously crushed by the Germans with barely any resistance in two world wars, but they also got their asses kicked by Mexico, which is why we get drunk on Cinco de Mayo. What makes them think they could take on the mightiest military power the world has ever known? Maybe they should start out small and pick a fight with Liechtenstein or Malta. See how that goes first.