According To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez There Are ‘3 Chambers Of Congress’

When socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat incumbent Joe Crowley in the democratic primaries earlier this year the DNC proclaimed her the future of the party and the swooning liberal media said she would literally change the face of the US government. Now that she has been elected to the House of Representatives, it turns out at least one of these things is true. According to Ocasio-Cortez there are now 3 chambers of Congress, which is one more that we used to have. I wonder how many presidents and Supreme Courts we have now.

Ocasio-Cortez made this video complaining that imposing her leftist agenda on the American people will be impossible unless she and her fellow democratic socialists do a complete take over of the federal government:

“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

Three chambers of Congress, huh? I know about the House and the Senate, but what’s the third chamber? And where is it located? It must be some secret chamber housed in the basement of the Capitol Building. I don’t think Ocasio-Cortez was supposed to tell the American people about this.

Then again, this could just be more big-government democratic nonsense. Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t even official taken office yet and she’s already expanded the government by 33%. By the time she’s done there will be more chambers in Congress than there are states in the Union.

Ocasio-Cortez actually caught her mistake and corrected it with different mistake.

“Uh, rather, all three chambers of government,” she said.

Three chambers of government? I know about the 3 branches of government, but I can’t say that I’ve heard of these governmental chambers.

In a sad attempt to demonstrate that she’d not a complete idiot, Ocasio-Cortez then listed these chambers:

“The presidency, the House, and the Senate,” she said counting on her fingers.

So close. The actual 3 “chambers” of the government are the executive branch (President), the legislative branch (Congress), and the judicial branch (Supreme Court). Just for fun I’d like her to try to explain the purpose and powers of these 3 branches. I bet it would be even funnier than this and this is pretty damn hilarious.

Ocasio-Cortez was apparently upset that people pointed out she has no idea what she’s talking about, so she sent out this nonsensical tweet:

Yeah, it’s totally everyone else’s fault she’s so f*cking stupid.

Also, what the hell does “real-tomd” mean? Oh wait, maybe that that’s the name of the 3rd chamber of Congress. There’s the House, the Senate, and the Real-Tomd. Presumably this last chamber has been taken over by people whose real names are “Tom” hence the descriptor that it has been “Tommed.” Suddenly everything makes sense.

Someone who doesn’t know what french fries are is unlikely to get a job at McDonald’s. Someone who can’t understand how an internal combustion engine works would never get a job as a mechanic. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t have a clue about the basic structure of the United States government and yet she’s a Congresswoman-elect. This should scare the shit out every single American, because we are all doomed.