‘Pilgrims Were Gay Migrant Caravan’ And Other Ways Liberals Tried To Ruin Thanksgiving

Normally the left attempts to ruin Thanksgiving by encouraging people to yell at their family over the dinner table about whacko leftist nonsense. There was still some of that this year, but liberals added the wrinkle of defaming the holiday. According to the left, the pilgrims were a gay migrant caravan so you aren’t allowed to enjoy Turkey Day and have nothing to be thankful for. The tactics might be a little different this year but the important thing is they are still trying to ruin Thanksgiving.

First up, The Nation tells us This Thanksgiving, It’s OK to Not Feel Thankful

Every Thanksgiving, Americans are inundated with images of beautiful smiling families, sitting around tables overflowing with food. But what if we saw something that looked more like what real life is like for America’s families today?

Imagine if instead of feeling like you have to fake a smile when you feel pain, we felt like we could confide in each other, to share this experience that is as common and as human as eating and breathing. What if we were able to acknowledge that we are all in trouble and in need in our own way? What if, instead of messages of superficial happiness this time of year, we were instead surrounded by messages urging us to love each other and help those in need?

The truth is we all suffer, and we can find solidarity and comfort in acknowledging and being vulnerable about this shared experience.

Instead of spending Thanksgiving eating turkey and watching football with the family, The Nation wants us to sit around and bitch about how everything sucks. Isn’t that what liberals do every day? It’s not a special occasion when you do the same shit you always do.

CNN went a different route by trying to shame people who support immigration enforcement by comparing the pilgrims to the migrant caravan that is threatening to invade our country. After proclaiming the pilgrims as the OG migrant caravan, CNN scolded us all for not welcoming in every third-world scumbag who wants to come here:

So many of us were refugees from oppression — I count my family in this group. The native population welcomed us, and it’s now in our DNA as a nation-state that we are that one place in the world where all people fleeing injustice and poverty and violence will, to the degree we can manage this, be given a warm welcome.

We are part of a grand experiment in world history. It would be a crying shame — to say the least — if, for whatever reason, we turned off our beacon to the world, refusing to welcome those in distress with open arms.

The foolish idea that our borders have been overrun by those seeking asylum because of “loopholes” in American immigration law is hokum of the first order: the worst sort of “fake news,” and one that does considerable damage to our national sense of self.

It’s not “fake news” that there are 25-30 million illegal immigrants in our country right now, so yeah, we have been overrun, but nice try CNN.

As if that’s not bad enough, Vice reposted it’s theory that The Pilgrims Were Queer

And not just regular gay…

Dig into the history and you’ll see plenty of early American colonizers were super gay

…but super gay. Are there levels of gayness? I thought it was one of those things where you either are or you aren’t. Much like football, once the ball breaks the plane of the goal, it’s in for the score.

Though our modern understanding of sexuality would have been completely foreign to them, early European immigrants experienced same-sex attraction just as we do today, and they had queer sex, entered queer relationships, and formed queer households in ways that are surprisingly familiar.

In other words, yes, many of the pilgrims in whose honor we celebrate Thanksgiving were queer.

The puritanical Pilgrims burned “witches” at the stake, but they were completely tolerant of super-gay sex orgies? Sounds plausible. Not! In addition to ruining holidays, liberals also like to claim that every important historical figure was a homosexual. Hey, everybody needs a hobby.

Finally, Boston Celtics star Kyrie Irving summed up the left’s position on Turkey Day by saying, “F*ck Thanksgiving.” He didn’t elaborate, but liberals don’t have to explain themselves to you.

Liberals are miserable people who can only take comfort in making everyone as sad and angry as they are. This is why they hate all holidays celebrations and put so much effort into ruining them. With Thanksgiving out of the way, they can set their sights on Christmas, which is like the Super Bowl of being horrible to the left.