Breaking News! Rep. Steve King Said Something CNN Thinks Is Racist Over A Year Ago

CNN is trying to branch out from their 24/7 wall-to-wall Trump coverage, but don’t worry, they are still America’s #1 purveyors of fake news. In a blockbuster “breaking news” segment they have revealed that over a year ago Republican Rep. Steve King said something that they think is racist. Next up, they are going to break that the Japanese have surrendered and the unveiling of “New Coke.” It turns out that CNN has been sucking at covering nothing but Trump for so long that they suck even worse at covering non-Trump stories.

Here’s a headline CNN was trying to get some “OMG’s” with today: Rep. Steve King appeared on podcast frequented by white nationalists

Are you OMGing yet? No? Maybe this will do it:

Republican Rep. Steve King once appeared on a far-right podcast that frequently gave a platform to white nationalists and whose host has argued that some races are less intelligent than others.

So what? CNN is trying to make it seem like Steve King is a white nationalist who thinks some races are less intelligent, but that’s just the “fake news” kicking in. The truth of the matter is, CNN gives a platform to racists, bigots, and haters all the time. They just had to fire Marc Lamont Hill for his anti-Semitic “destroy Israel” ideas.

King, who was just elected to his ninth term in Iowa, took part in a 45-minute interview for the Freedomain Radio podcast, hosted by far-right internet personality Stefan Molyneux in…

Wait for it.

…September 2017, a CNN KFile review of King’s media appearances reveals.

Are you shitting me? That was 14 freakin’ months ago. Why wasn’t this an outrage last year?

Despite the attempted slight-of-hand on King’s “racism” here’s what CNN actually thinks is racist:

In the interview, King called the Congressional Black Caucus “the self-segregating congressional black caucus” and said that the group was a “grievance committee” that hijacked Martin Luther King Jr.’s message.

“They more or less hijacked his movement and turned it into their grievance committee and now they’re pressing all of us for special benefits based upon race,” said King.

Okay, what part of that is racist? What thing did he say that isn’t 100% true?

They are called the “Congressional Black Caucus” and membership is exclusively for black members of Congress. These are not rules dictated by the Constitution, but rather the CBC came up with the idea of excluding all other races. Therefore, they are self-segregated, which makes them a “self-segregating congressional black caucus.”

The CBC also qualifies as a “grievance committee” because they have a problem with everything being racist and complain about it all the time. CNN should look up what the word “grievance” means. They also do press Congress for special benefits based on race.

As for the CBC hijacking MLK’s movement, the CBC aires their grievances and demands special race-based treatment under the civil rights movement of the 1960’s of which Martin Luther KIng led, so that’s true too.

CNN’s headline should have read: “Rep. Steve King Said Some True Things Over A Year Ago” but for some reason that’s not as salacious and click-baity as “Steve King Is A White Supremacist.”

This is another example of how CNN is fake news and why nobody in this country trusts them to deliver unbiased relevant information. At this point the network’s reputation is so damaged it wouldn’t matter if they shifted to actual news, nobody would watch them.