MSNBC ‘Expert’ Claims Ukraine Needs Kneepads To Be Able To Shoot Guns At Russian Invaders

The entire fake news industry took a hit when Donald Trump got screwed out of the presidency but no one is struggling as much as MSNBC to fill their airwaves with garbage. The far-left media outlet had a couple of great takes from their “experts” today: one claimed Russia was trying to seize Chernobyl for its nuclear power and another said Ukrainians can’t shoot Russian soldiers because of a lack of kneepads.

First up is this news:

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant melted down in 1986 and is now just an irradiated wasteland. That being said, MSNBC intelligence expert Malcom Nance offered this explanation for why Russia wants to seize it:

Just brilliant. I can see why MSNBC pays this guy the big bucks for his expert analysis.

This is how you say you’re full of shit without saying you’re full of shit.

On the same level of genius, here’s MSNBC foreign affairs expert Michael McFaul explaining the difficulties Ukraine will face in trying to defend again the Russian invasion:

“One of the calls I was on today, a few hours ago, saying silly things, not silly things but pretty pedestrian things like kneepads, which you need to shoot a gun. There’s no kneepads,” said McFaul.

You need kneepads to shoot guns? You mean I’ve been doing it wrong all these years? 

If kneepads are essential in the operation of firearms, all mass shootings, gun-related violence, and suicides could be eliminated by banning and confiscating kneepads. Unconstitutional gun control wouldn’t be needed and let’s not forget there is nothing in the Bill of Rights about protecting the right to keep and bear kneepads. Sure, football and hockey players would be subject to injury but it’s for the greater good.

This is how you say you’ve never fired a gun without saying you’ve never fired a gun.

What in the actual f*ck is he talking about? Ukraine can’t defend itself against the Russian invasion because they don’t have kneepads, which are need to shoot guns? If this is remotely true, why didn’t Joe Biden send those people a bunch of kneepads? What an asshole.

It turns out that Michael McFaul’s expertise comes from the fact that he was Obama’s Ambassador to Russia. I know, I’m as shocked as you that someone from the Obama administration is this clueless.

Rachael Maddow, the only person anyone watched on MSNBC, has taken an extended hiatus to make a movie about Spiro Agnew, which sounds like a lie. And lame. With her absence, MSNBC is making CNN’s pathetic ratings look a little less pathetic. Luckily they have a full stable of “talent” to give these kinds of expert opinion and analysis.