Black Man Arrested for Writing Racist Graffiti . . . Against Blacks
Black Man Arrested for Writing Racist Graffiti . . . Against Blacks
Another day another hate hoax. At least that what this appears to be to me because the perpetrator is black and the graffiti he spray painted on the walls around his college campus in Maryland was of the white supremacist variety. Case closed, right? Simply a young black man doing his civic duty to promote racial hatred and make anyone on the right look bad. At least that’s the conclusion a sane person would arrive at. But since this is the land of academia and largely populated by unhinged leftists, they want hate crime charges brought against this fraud for terrorizing blacks.
Black college lacrosse player, 21, is arrested for spraying N-word and swastika graffiti targeting HIMSELF and other minority students in two incidents that terrorized the campus
A black college lacrosse player has been arrested in connection with two incidents of racist graffiti found in a dorm on the Goucher College campus in Maryland.
Fynn Ajani Arthur, a 21-year-old from Brunswick, Maine, was charged with two counts of malicious destruction of property on Thursday night in Baltimore County.
Fynn Ajani Arthur: The black white supremacist. I know he’s not that dark, but neither is Shaun King.
His arrest came after graffiti aimed at black and Latino students was found on the second floor of a campus dorm, one floor above where similar graffiti had been found on November 14, Goucher College administrators said in a statement.
Both incidents that shook the Towson campus involved backward swastikas and targeted specific individuals, according to the statement.
Thursday’s graffiti depicted swastikas, the letters ‘KKK’ and appeared to include the last names of four black students, including Arthur. The previous graffiti reportedly said all ‘n*****s’ on campus would be killed.
He threatened himself. No, this wasn’t a hoax at all! Or maybe he was serious and planning a mass murder/suicide?
Arthur was released his own recognizance after a bail review hearing on Friday, according to jail records.
He has been banned from campus pending a student conduct review.
Goucher Public Safety officials worked with Baltimore County Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Baltimore Field Office to investigate both of graffiti incidents.
They determined that Arthur was responsible for the messages based on evidence found Thursday, police say.
And now the liberal insanity begins!
Goucher vice president and dean Bryan Coker condemned the racist incidents during a Friday press conference, according to the Baltimore Sun.
Bryan Coker: Durp.
‘These acts of hate have consumed our community and we feel strongly that the suspect should be prosecuted with the strongest charges, which reflect the seriousness of these crimes,’ Coker said.
He criticized Baltimore County police for not charging Arthur with a hate crime, though in Maryland the specific charge of ‘hate crime’ does not exist, Officer Jennifer Peach, a department spokeswoman, said.
Are the students of Goucher lucky to have this genius as their dean or what? How can this be a hate crime when it was a hoax, even if such a charge existed in Maryland which it does not?
Instead, any evidence that a crime was motivated by bias is directed to the state’s attorney’s office for consideration during prosecution.
Sentencing for crimes that were motivated by bias carry harsher penalties.
‘It’s become like common jargon to call it a hate crime,’ Peach said. ‘There’s no such law that says hate crime. It has to do with sentencing if hate is the motive.’
And now we descend even deeper into the madness of the liberal mind . . .
Officials said the college has reached out to the individuals targeted in the graffiti to offer support, yet many minority students have expressed ongoing concerns despite Arthur’s arrest.
Senior Cydnii Jones told the Sun the graffiti incidents were merely symptoms of Groucher’s larger issue of racism on campus.
Some black students recently started a buddy system for walking in pairs around campus at night.
Goucher’s black student union group Umoja also designated a common area on campus for students to gather, debrief and vent.
All in fear of a threat that didn’t exist. And “debrief?” What the hell does that even mean in this situation? Merriam-Webster defines debrief as “1 to interrogate (someone, such as a pilot) usually upon return (as from a mission) in order to obtain useful information 2 : to carefully review upon completion.”
What mission were they on and what information could possibly be gleaned from it? I can hear it now:
Student 1: “We were walking in pairs on campus and I stepped in a pile of dog shit near the quad.”
Student 2: “OK, we’ll have to make sure to avoid that area in the future.”
And now it gets even worse . . . let the demands begin!
A number of students flocked to the space on Friday afternoon to sign a list of seven demands.
A nice pile of snowflakes outraged about a hate crime that never happened.
The demands included the hiring of more black staff on campus, the installation of security cameras in residence halls and the requirement that incoming students take a class on cultural competency.
‘We had to mobilize when we were just trying to get an education,’ Jones said. ‘It’s just really disappointing and draining.’
Jones said the list itself – which was recycled from a similar one in 2014 – serves as evidence that race tensions on campus have persisted.
‘My concern is [officials] will be like: “We got him, we’ve solved all your problems,”‘ Jones said. ‘But this is just the tip of the iceberg.’
This crime was committed by a black person, so how will hiring more blacks melt that iceberg? Won’t that in fact make this same sort of hoax even more likely to occur? Icebergs are interesting things because you only see the tip and the great mass lies beneath the surface of the ocean. In this case though, the tip is all there is.
All this twisted liberal “logic” has given me a headache. I’m going to go lie down.