Sheet Music Is Racist! That’s The Headline

Last year liberals determined that Beethoven was racist and now they’ve decided that way we know his classic music is also racist. Yes that’s right, sheet music is racist. It doesn’t matter what music is notated on the sheet, all sheet music is racist according to stupid people. So if you get the guitar tabs to learn how to play It’s Raining Men by The Weather Girls, know that you are supporting white supremacy.

Here’s Fox News with proof that the headline wasn’t bullshit:

Staff members within the University of Oxford’s music department have deemed sheet music “colonialist” and have suggested ways to “decolonize” the curriculum. 

Professors said that music notation has not “shaken off its connection to its colonial past” and that not rebranding it would be a “slap in the face” for students of color, according to documents reviewed by the British outlet The Telegraph.

The Telegraph has this story behind a paywall but that’s okay, Fox is doing just fine reporting it for free.

The same faculty also reportedly questioned whether the current curriculum was complicit in “white supremacy,” pointing to the program’s focus on “white European music from the slave period” – composers like Mozart and Beethoven.

If, as these esteemed professors contend, that we have to eliminate everything created by white people during the “slave period” we’re going to have to get rid of a lot of really useful stuff:

The electric battery, photography, coffee pots, sewing machines, elevators, matches, microphones, bicycles, calculators, gyroscopes, blimps, staplers, portland cement, and tin cans were all invented in the 1800’s prior to the 1865 abolition of slavery.

In addition the medical advancements of stethoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, quinine to treat malaria, aspirin, blood transfusions, antiseptic, anesthesia, smallpox vaccine, and heart surgery all came to be during the “slave period.” Should we dismiss all of this as white supremacist colonialism?

The professors further suggested that certain classical music skills – like playing the piano and conducting orchestral arrangements – ought not to be required because they structurally center “white European music” and cause “students of color great distress.”

The faculty members said the curriculum should broaden its music offerings with studies like “African and African Diasporic Musics,” “Global Musics,” and “Popular Musics.”

So beatbox, record scratching, and making up words to rhyme with other made-up words should replace classical music and learning how to play instruments? Sounds on fleek, fam.

The proposed changes appeared to have driven in response to the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Arising from international Black Lives Matter demonstrations, the Faculty Board proposed making changes to enhance the diversity of the undergraduate curriculum.”

Black Lives Matter thinks that the police should be defunded, that burning down small businesses is a reasonable response to a black criminal being arrested, and that it’s okay to curb-stomp Asians over COIVID-19. Given their track record of terrible ideas, maybe don’t cancel classical music, instruments, and sheet music because they have a problem with these things.

This is just more of the left’s effort to destroy white European history and culture. Dumbing things down to placate dumb people doesn’t do anything to advance our society. In fact it leads us directly to the moronic future of the film Idiocracy.