YUCK: Study Finds Feces On Every McDonald’s Touchscreen Tested

You probably don’t want to read this story if you are planning on hitting the Mickey D’s drive-thru for breakfast…

Even as fast food chains move toward automation to fend off socialist politicians and their rabble-rousing for higher wages for unskilled workers, there are other problems that are manifesting themselves.

Like health problems thanks to the unsanitary habits of customers.

According to a study undertaken by London Metropolitan University, every single touchscreen on the new ordering kiosks that were tested came up positive for fecal matter.


Via UK Metro, “Poo found on every McDonald’s touchscreen tested”:

races of faeces have been found on every single McDonald’s touchscreen swabbed in an investigation by metro.co.uk. Samples were taken from the new machines that have been rolled out at restaurants across the country – every one of them had coliforms. Senior lecturer in microbiology at London Metropolitan University Dr Paul Matewele said: ‘We were all surprised how much gut and faecal bacteria there was on the touchscreen machines. These cause the kind of infections that people pick up in hospitals.

‘For instance Enterococcus faecalis is part of the flora of gastrointestinal tracts of healthy humans and other mammals. It is notorious in hospitals for causing hospital acquired infections.’ Unsuspecting diners choose their food on the touchscreens then head to the server to pick up their burgers more often than not without washing their hands.

A screen at one branch was found to have staphylococcus, a bacteria that can cause blood poisoning and toxic shock syndrome. Dr Matewele said: ‘Seeing Staphylococcus on these machines is worrying because it is so contagious. ‘It starts around people’s noses, if they touch their nose with their fingers and then transfer it to the touchscreen someone else will get it, and if they have an open cut which it gets into, then it can be dangerous.

The bright side? At least it’s the customers’ fecal matter although one shudders to think what the percentage would be if they tested the hands of those manning the griddles and putting orders together.

Definitely NOT lovin’ it.