House Democrats Propose Disarming House Republicans

Democrats won control of the House and are planning lots of stupid unconstitutional crap including a whole slate of gun control legislation. This is all part of the collective democrat delusion because even if they do pass a gun bill there’s no way the Republican controlled Senate would vote on it and President Trump would certainly veto it. The dems may not be able to disarm the American people, but they can disarm their Republican colleagues. Pelosi and company are planning to change a rule that allows members of Congress to carry firearms on the Capitol grounds.

Fox News reports that California Rep. Jared Huffman, with the blessing of Nancy Pelosi, wants to change a rule that permits lawmakers to keep weapons in their offices for self-defense.

“I don’t think we can just keep looking the other way or sweep this issue under the rug. Our political climate is too volatile and there are too many warning signs that we need to address things like this,” said Huffman.

From the looks of it, this liberal nut is under the impression that armed Republican lawmakers are not only a pressing issue but also a threat. There are plenty of unhinged democrats who shouldn’t have guns, but Republicans keeping weapons in their offices is not a problem at all.

The current rule states: “nothing . . . shall prohibit any Member of Congress from maintaining firearms within the confines of his office or any Member of Congress or any employee or agent of any Member of Congress from transporting within the Capitol Grounds firearms unloaded and securely wrapped.”

If there’s one thing we know about democrats it’s that they “shall prohibit” almost anything especially guns. Apparently the House gets to make the rules for what happens at the Capitol and with the democrats taking over in a couple of weeks, they can do whatever they want.

Making this the craziest thing ever or just a mildly liberal thing, Rep. Huffman want to disarm Republicans because of the Steve Scalise shooting. Really? The House Majority Whip was shot on a baseball field by a deranged Bernie Bro. Had Scalise and the other Republicans been armed, it’s likely the shooter would have been taking a dirt nap before he ever got off a shot. This is some insane liberal logic going on here. A Republican lawmaker was shot by a liberal kook so Rep. Huffman wants to disarm the Republican lawmakers.

“I hesitate to even put in print some of the scenarios that I worry the most about, because the truth is, the House chamber is a place where we occasionally have all of the most powerful government officials in the country gathered in one place,” Huffman said.

The only doomsday scenarios for democrats if Republican lawmakers are armed are A) a GOP Rep. shoots and kills a crazy leftist attacker, busting the liberal narrative that guns can’t be used in self-defense and B) if too many GOP Reps kill crazy leftist attackers it would cut down on the number of loyal Democratic Party voters.

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie, who chairs Second Amendment Caucus, summed up the proposed democrat rule change like this:

“It’s proposing to solve a problem that doesn’t exist,” said Massie. “[Pelosi’s] worried that members aren’t responsible enough to handle a firearm?”

Every single thing a democrat has proposed in the history of democrats is a costly rights-stomping solution in search of a problem.

The democrats aren’t even in charge yet and they’re already trying to ban guns. Maybe the Republicans, while they still control the House, should make some rules banning democrats from being full of shit.