WaPo Tries To Prove Gun-Hating Democrats Are Really Pro-Gun

Every single democrat running for president in 2020 supports some form of unconstitutional gun control. Some more extreme than others. The Washington Post, as an official propaganda outlet for the Democratic Party, doesn’t want people to get the idea that these democrats are anti-gun or are trying to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. In some of the fakest news yet, the WaPo argues that democrats can’t possibly be against gun ownership because many of them own guns.

One of the biggest load of shit from the gun-grabbers is the testimonial that they support the 2nd Amendment and just want some “commonsense” gun safety laws. They often back this crap up by claiming that they are too are gun owners, like unconstitutional gun control is okay as long as it’s coming from a fellow gun owner.

The WaPo tried this garbage and failed:

The idea that the WaPo wants you to take away is that it’s okay if democrats want to restrict gun ownership rights because they too are gun owners.

The link to the article is behind a paywall and I’ll be damned if I’m going to give money to this sorry liberal rag. It doesn’t matter, there’s enough information in the tweet to laugh hysterically at this and the great thing is, it’s completely free.

Ooh, Beto O’Rourke inherited broken guns from his great uncle so that means he’s a gun owner and qualified to take our guns away? For some reason liberals think this is a perfectly logical argument, which another great reason why they should never be taken seriously.

I actually wrote something about Beta O’Dork’s claim of gun ownership and I called bullshit. He basically said that because he owns guns it gives him the proper perspective to ban gun ownership for the rest of us. He also claimed that he and his wife taught their children how to shoot responsibly. How? With broken guns? The guy is such a lying sack of shit.

Next we have gay democrat Pete Buttigeig who allegedly has 2 antique guns that he’s never used. Honestly, he doesn’t look old enough to own firearms and perhaps the attorney general of Indiana should look into this. Also, owning antique guns that he’s never shot even once doesn’t make him an expert on firearms or Constitutional law.

Tim Ryan (who?) won a shotgun in a raffle and never used it? Why the hell did he enter a raffle in which the prize was a shotgun if he hates guns and never intended to use it? Also, he must have gone through some sort of firearms transfer process, so he actually committed time and money to get something that scares the shit out of him and that he wants to ban. This is something only a lunatic would do and perhaps he’s the kind of person who shouldn’t have access to deadly weapons.

Finally we have Kamala Harris, who apparently owns a gun. She also spent a lot of time trying to keep people from owning guns as the Attorney General of California. It’s unclear if she has ever used her gun, but if she did while she was smoking weed and jamming to Tupac, she is definitely in violation of federal law.

I own a mouth with functioning vocal cords and have an understanding of the English language which allows me to form words and express ideas. Does this qualify me to ban free speech rights for others? The truth is, I use my words a hell of lot more than any of these democrats use their guns, so by liberal logic I should be able to stop people from expressing their thoughts and ideas. The only difference is, I’m not a fascist asshole and I believe everyone has a right to free speech and expression, even if they say stupid shit like this.

This liberal notion that owning a gun somehow qualities democrats to shit all over our basic civil rights is incredibly dumb and these are people who believe mini-skirts turn men into women and the birth canals magically transform clumps of cells into a human babies.

A quick review of the Bill of Rights shows that there is no clause that allows the federal government to infringe upon our gun ownership rights just because Beta O’Dork owns some broke-ass guns he inherited from a distant relative. The Founder Fathers were very specific about this.