Professor Says To Be Anti-Racist America Must Become Socialist

Despite what whiny liberals and shameless race-hustlers say, we are a post-racial society. There are no racist policies in the US, there are no racist institutions, and the Constitution grantees equal protection to all people. That’s not to say there aren’t racist people, they’re are, but institutionalized racism doesn’t exist in this country. One lefty professor disagrees and thinks our “everyone plays by the same rules” system is inherently racist so he has dreamed what a truly anti-racist country would look like and for some reason it’s socialist totalitarian nightmare.

Ibram X Kendi is a professor of history and international relations at the American University. He wrote an op/ed for The Guardian in which he imagined what an anti-racist America would look like.

First, just in case anyone thought we already were a nation free of racism, he laid out the problem with this country. Spoiler alert: it’s all President Trump’s fault.

Racist progress seemingly overtook antiracist progress, like when Donald Trump overtook Barack Obama.

Look behind and beyond…the daily news of the white president berating black women journalists, the daily news of the white president identifying as a nationalist, the daily news of white nationalists terrorizing Americans with their cop calls and guns, inspired by their president.

Since this guy thinks that Trump is the cause of all racism in the country, you’d think his solution would be to get rid of the President, but Kendi has bigger plans. This is what he thinks an anti-Racist America would be:

What about an antiracist society where instead of standardizing our tests or closing our schools we standardized school resources and open first-class schools for all? Where we honestly share our racial history? Where free, high-quality healthcare is as universal as basic incomes and fresh food? Where instead of stocking prisons with poor and mentally disabled people of color, we stock those people’s communities with high-paying jobs and mental health services? Where instead of enslaving and traumatizing prisoners, we are healing and restoring them? Where guns are as controlled as police officers fearing for their lives? Where voting is easy and accessible?

Free healthcare, free food, free money, no gun ownership rights, and a prison system that reeducates people? Yeah, that’s a communist country like the former Soviet Union. They don’t always work out so great. In fact no socialist society in the history of civilization has lasted very long because its a terribly flawed societal and governmental system.

Kendi threw in some things with the appearance of freedom like people of color not going to jail for crimes they committed, but the harsh reality of a socialist society is that the government has to oppress the people to keep things orderly. Free thought is the number one enemy of socialism and it must be crushed to protect the system.

In Kendi’s fantasy there are no more police officers, which makes his socialist dream country even less possible. With no one to enforce the rules, people tend not to follow those rules. This is true in any kind of society, but especially so in a socialist society. Socialism requires everyone to work and exist communally, sharing everything, and the only way that works is to force the people into compliance.

There’s more bad news for Kendi’s socialist utopia because he wants easy and accessible voting. That already exists in the United States, but there is no voting in socialist countries. The masses must work to the benefit of the state and the state decides who is in charge. Democracies and representative republics have elections to choose their leaders while communist countries have a ruling class of elites.

Socialism is very attractive to liberals because they love telling other people how to think and act. It is not however a cure for racism. When one group of people works hard to provide for another group of people who don’t work so hard, that causes resentment and that’s where racism comes from.