Nancy Pelosi Vows To Take Guns “Off The Shelves’ When Dems Take Over in January

The democrats won control of the House of Representatives in the midterms and will take control in January. Presumably California kook Nancy Pelosi will be the new Speaker of the House and she’s already projecting some of her whacko agenda. In addition to massive investigations to stymie President Trump she is promising major gun control legislation. Along with fellow California kook Jackie Speier, Pelosi said she wants to literally take guns off the shelf, which sure as hell sounds like an effort to disarm the American people.

KCBS reports that Pelosi and Speier attended some kind of vigil for victims of gun violence over the weekend.

“We come to another vigil, this time with a promise that we will pass the bill that we have asked for of our Republican colleagues for a long time,” said Pelosi.

If this gun control bill is so important, why didn’t Pelosi pass it in 2008 when democrats controlled both chambers of Congress and Obama was president? That’s fair question since she’s giving Republicans shit for not passing it.

“We have a new Congress, we have a new Speaker of the House in Nancy Pelosi, and we’re going to change this model so that people can see that action can actually take place,” said Speier.

The question is, what is this gun control bill and action these two liberal politicians are talking about? Pelosi said some stuff about background checks and closing imaginary loopholes, but Speier probably spilled the beans with this:

“It’s stunning to me that we can take romaine lettuce off the shelves because 55 people get sick, but 30,000 people can die each year, and we can’t do anything about it,” Speier said.

Speier is referring to the recent recall of E. Coli tainted romain lettuce. There’s certainly a lot of stupid in comparing the privilege of lettuce ownership to the Constitutionally protected right of gun ownership, but Speier is very clear here. She’s lamenting that we can take lettuce off of the shelves but not guns. In other words she and Pelosi want to get guns off the shelves like we did with romaine lettuce.

Recently liberal website ThinkProgress got this lettuce/guns busllshit going by justifying a gun ban and confiscation because of a voluntary romaine lettuce recall. Liberals never come up with things on their own, they are directed by the Central Authority of Liberal Insanity (CALI) so this is now official Democratic Party policy. Step one: make lettuce and guns synonymous. Step 2: Get the guns off the shelf because they are more dangerous than lettuce.

This may sound like I’m reading too much into Speier’s statement, but put it into the context of some of the other democrat gun control demands and it makes sense. The democrats are constantly bitching that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is banned from studying gun violence. Now imagine if they allow a government agency with the power to declare health emergencies the ability to study gun violence. The CDC could conceivably declare gun violence a national health emergency and get guns “off the shelf” the same way romaine lettuce was recalled. No need to worry about the Constitution with this devious backdoor gun control plot.

The only thing that doesn’t make this terrifying is that democrats will only have control of the House and they can pass all of the gun control bills they want. The Republican Senate will never vote on this crap and even if they did President Trump wouldn’t sign it.