158 Million Third-World Scumbags Would Move To America If The Democrats Were In Charge

Here’s yet another reason to reject the open-borders/unchecked immigration insanity of the Democratic Party. 158 million people would move to the US if they could. The current US population is 325 million, so making it almost a half a billion people would definitely sink this country into third-world shithole status. That’s not to mention a complete loss of our culture, heritage, and sovereignty. Maybe it’s time to shore up some sane and sustainable immigration policies before the United States is an overpopulated Democratic Party super-majority.

Gallup conducted a worldwide survey and found that 15% of the adult population across the globe would like to move to a new country. Blowing the liberal narrative that America is a racist country that people don’t respect, most of them want to come here. In fact, it’s not even close.

Here’s the list of how many people want to immigrant and where they want to go:

158 million chose the U.S.

47 million Canada.

42 million Germany.

36 million France or Australia.

34 million United Kingdom.

24 million Saudi Arabia.

21 million Spain.

17 million Japan.

15 million Italy.

24 million people want to move to Saudi Arabia? Clearly there is something wrong with them if a hot dry desert wasteland ruled by a despotic royal family is more desirable than their current country. This is like 24 million people saying they want to live in a post-apocalyptic Mad Max movie.

The fact remains however that the US is the #1 destination for people whose country is a cesspool of poverty and corruption.

“Although the image of U.S. leadership took a beating between 2016 and 2017, the U.S. continues to be the most desired destination country for potential migrants,” said Gallup.

US leadership took a beating over the past two years? President Trump has this economy cranking and he’s making trade and peace deals all over the place. In the Age of Trump, even a simple poll becomes a weapon of partisan hackery.

The African nation of Sierra Leon ranked as the shittiest country on the planet with 71% of the residents saying they’d like to live elsewhere. Closer to home, 63% of Haitians, 52% of Salvadorians, 49% of Dominicans, and 47% of Hondurans want to leave. These are all people who could conceivably sneak into the US and drive us into bankruptcy supporting them.

The poll manages to bust another false liberal narrative that Barack Obama gained the world’s respect during his 8-year reign of uselessness. The number of people wanting to immigrate to the US is actually up 14 percent since Donald Trump became President. Maybe outside of America people aren’t force-fed the liberal media lies about how “racist” President Trump is ruining our country and destroying democracy.

Oddly enough, 14% of North Americans say they’d like to move to another country. This could be a result of Mexicans looking to get across the border or it could be part of the post-election liberal hissy fit in which lefties and Hollywood celebrities swore they leave America if Trump won the 2016 election. While we can’t count on Miley Cyrus leaving, it’s a given that millions of people from third-world countries will try to get in.

There are 7.2 billion people in the world, most of who would have a substantially better life if they moved to the US. We can’t possibly take them all in or even a fraction without decimating our own quality of life. The fact is, people want to come to America because we are the best, but we won’t stay that way if democrats open up the borders to unchecked immigration.