CNN Smacked Down Over Bogus Fact-Check Of Trump Statement

To be honest, I never paid much attention to CNN before Trump came along, so I can’t say that they were ever good at this journalism thing. In the Age of Trump however, they are just horrendous. Not only do the constantly broadcast fake stories about the President, they also try to pass off partisan opinion as hard news. Their fact-checking could use some work as well. Yesterday Trump claimed that terrorists had been caught at the border and CNN countered by saying the President was lying. Today, DHS took CNN down with a brainbuster proving the the fake news network was lying about Trump.

In a hilarious meeting on immigration with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, President Trump made mention that 10 terrorists have been apprehended at the border. CNN’s Jim Sciutto was all over this this critically important detail:

As you can see, Sciutto is calling a Trump a big fat liar for claiming we’ve apprehended terrorists at the border, but it turns out he’s the lying sack of crap. Here’s what DHS spokesman Tyler Q. Houlton had to say in response:

Ouch. Not only was Trump not lying, as CNN, contends, he was understating the number of terrorists captured trying to enter this country. Sciutto and CNN were lying about the President as well as them reaching out to DHS to “debunk” Trump’s claim. This is double fake news which, unlike two negatives making a positive, doesn’t turn it into real news. Man, wouldn’t that be great for CNN if two false stories made a true story? They’d be winning Pulitzers hand over fist instead being laughed at by every serious journalist on the planet.

The problem CNN has in fact-checking anything is that they don’t have the same definition of “facts” as the rest of the universe. To them facts are things that show the freely-elected President in a negative light and lies are things that portray Trump positively. This why they won’t spend much time reporting on the economy, but have “Creepy Porn Lawyer” Michael Avenatti on 3 times a day to bad-mouth Trump.

CNN will probably let this latest piece of fake news go without comment, but they may try to spin it in their favor. They’ll claim that their bogus fact-check is true because Trump said 10 terrorists were apprehended when the real number is 3,755. See, Trump’s a liar because he used the wrong numbers in his claim.

This BTW is exactly why CNN’s reputation is in the crapper. They can’t be trusted to pass on any true information regarding President Trump and chances are the rest of their news is fake too. I mean, that is if they had any other news besides Trump, because they pretty much only cover the President.