Multimillionaire Schlockmeister Stephen King To Trump: F*CK YOUR WALL

Nutty anti-Trump Stephen King is having another one of his angry tirades…

The liberal schlockmeister is becoming about as batty as one of the characters in one of the horror novels that he has churned out over the past four decades.

Now that left is experiencing a non-lethal version of “Captain Trips” – the virus that wiped out most of humanity in his 1978 masterpiece “the Stand” – in the form of Trump Derangement Syndrome, King has become as nutty as the rest of the celebrity weirdos after Hillary’s apocalyptic loss.

Mr. King occasionally slithers out of the mist to take a few pot shots at Trump via Twitter and he has done so again. The babbling old fool is claiming that President Trump is prohibited from watching any of his movies although you would think that the POTUS has better things to do with his time.

In a tweet that has garnered the usual slobbering media attention, King ripped Trump on the border wall.

Via The Hill, “Stephen King torches Trump over border wall: ‘Do something good for once'”:

Horror author Stephen King on Wednesday tore into President Trump about his request for funding a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

King, a frequent Trump critic, called on the president to “do something good for once,” and suggested that he use the $5 billion requested for the wall to feed at-risk children or provide medical care for veterans.

“F— your wall,” King tweeted. “Split that 5 billion between at-risk children who don’t have lunches and vets who can’t get proper medical and psychological treatment.”

“F— your vanity project. Do something good for once.”

The “Master Of Horror” also popped off right before Thanksgiving, accusing Trump of being an accessory to murder:

King lives in fucking Maine so being overrun with illegals is absolutely no threat to him, Susan Collins, Angus King or the minuscule percentage of the nation who live there.

But other than the celebs and media, no real American gives a rat’s ass about what this crazy old coot thinks.