Kurt ‘Tentacle Porn’ Eichenwald Threatens to Leave The U.S. Because It’s Not A Real Country

The guy who watches “tentacle porn” with his children feels the United States isn’t up to his high moral standards and is threatening to leave. Former Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald has declared that America is not a real country and plans to move as soon as he can no longer mooch off the system. For some reason liberal crybabies think they’re punishing us when threaten to leave this country when really their departure would be a gift. Too bad none of them ever follow through with it.

On Friday a judge ruled that ObamaCare is unconstitutional as Fox News reports:

The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was struck down by a Texas judge on Friday, a move that could suddenly disrupt the health insurance status of millions of Americans. The decision comes amid a six-week open enrollment period for the program.

Texas, along with 19 states, had argued to U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor that they had been hurt by a jump in the amount of people utilizing state-backed insurance. When Congress cut the tax penalty from the program in 2017, the states claimed, it essentially undercut the Supreme Court’s reasoning for finding former President Barack Obama’s signature legislation constitutional in 2012.

“The remainder of the ACA is non-severable from the individual mandate, meaning that the Act must be invalidated in whole,” O’Connor wrote in his decision.

The truth of the matter is, this ruling does nothing to change or repeal ObamaCare. The shitty redistribution of wealth scheme will remain in place as the decision will be challenged all the way to the Supreme Court.

Hardest hit by this news was Kurt Eichenwald who threw down the gauntlet on Twitter:

So if America doesn’t pick up his medical bills he’s leaving? Bye.

He says America is not #1 or even a real country, because he might not be able to exploit the system. His criteria for the realness of a country is whether he can mooch off of it or not. Since this system he wants to bleed dry was ruled unconstitutional, his actual problem with the US is the Constitution itself. He hates America because of the document that makes America what it is.

Again. Bye.

The question is, what “real” country can Eichenwald go to? Is there some place that will take him and his wife in just so they can immediately start taking social welfare benefits? The answer is, no there are not any countries that allow parasite immigration. Unlike the US, the rest of the world doesn’t allow people to immigrate for the sole purpose of taking advantage of government handouts.

The funniest thing about this is Eichenwald seems to think we care if he leaves the country. Nobody will miss him, but plenty of people will be glad to see him go. It’d be great if he took all of the crying Hollywood celebrities and whiny liberals with him. Maybe they could establish their own country where everything is free and call it “Butthurtia.” Then all they’d have to do is figure who will pay for all of the free stuff in their Trumpless utopia.

Sadly, Kurt Eichenwald, like every bitchy liberal before him, will not be leaving the US. This liberal lie is just another symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s not a coincidence that TDS sufferers are so tedious.