Liberals Rebrand ‘Gun Violence’ As ‘Gun Terror’

Liberals don’t have sound or original ideas but they are pretty good at rebranding their whacko nonsense to make it sound a little less insane. They changed “abortion” to “women’s health” to take the stigma off of baby killing. The switched up “global warming” to “climate change” so they don’t look like morons trying to explain how cold winter weather is the result of warming. They changed the fascist sounding “gun control” to “gun safety” because when people think about safety they forget about their Constitutional rights.

“Gun violence” has also gotten an extreme make-over and will now be known as “gun terror.” Sure, that sounds way worse, which is the opposite of their other rebranding efforts, but that’s the point. If liberals are going to force “gun safety” on the country than they need to have something that sounds as bad as possible. Saying that they want to protect against violence is too weak. Saying that they want to protect against “gun violence” is okay, but “gun terror” sounds like the f*cking apocalypse.

Lisa Licht (I wonder what she licked) is the executive director of a business gun control group called the Gun Safety Alliance. It is a collection of business and industry leaders who want to ram a gun control agenda down everyone’s throats. She did an interview with Forbes and touted the success of her group’s efforts, without giving anything close to an example of something they have achieved.

The interviewer pointed out that gun control is a divisive issue that companies want to avoid so as not to alienate consumers. Licht hilarious hit back with Dick’s Sporting Goods as an example of a corporation having he courage to stand up for gun control. She left out the part about how Dick’s sales are in the toilet since they became the corporate face of trashing the 2nd Amendment.

This is an otherwise boring interview with an even more boring person, but there was this one little interesting tidbit:

Forbes: What does the Alliance hope to accomplish, both in the short term and long term?

Licht: We have one overarching goal: To end the culture of gun terror in the United States and to stop unnecessary gun deaths. (my emphasis)

Gun terror? What the hell is that? Since she put it in the context of our culture, what she’s really saying is that the right to keep and bear arms in America is a form of terrorism.

Should we toss the “terror” qualifier at the end other Constitutional rights? When liberals spew their anti-American unconstitutional bile, should we call it “word terror”? When the media prints agenda-driven lies should we call it “press terror”? When someone worships God in an offensive way should we call it “religion terror?” Oh wait, that last one is a thing already and I believe we refer to it as Islam.

In Licht’s crusade to rid the country of “gun terror” she also mentions that she wants to stop “unnecessary gun deaths” Presumably she’s cool with the necessary guns death, but not really. Necessary gun deaths are when good people defend themselves against criminals but if or when liberal gun control disarms the law-abiding only scumbags would have guns.

The term “gun violence” is already stupid and changing it to “gun terror” brings the intelligence level down substantially. Violence is violence, it doesn’t matter what an asshole uses to commit it. You don’t hear people complaining about “fist violence” or “bomb violence” so why should “gun violence” even be a thing?

Liberals can polish their turds all they want, it won’t make them stink any less. Bad ideas are bad no matter what they call them. They could change “gun control” to “blowjobs and beer” but it’s still the unconstitutional infringement on our rights and any right-thinking American is going to reject it.