Mother Jones Calls Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s Death Before The End Of Trump’s Term

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is older than dirt and probably remembers when the Earth cooled. She is also in terrible health, having recently broken 3 ribs in an old lady fall and undergone cancer treatment last week. Obviously she should have retired when Obama was still president so he could have named a liberal Justice to take her place, but it’s too late for that now.

With her latest health crisis everyone is thinking, but too scared to say, she may not outlive Donald Trump’s presidency and hand conservatives on the high court an even bigger majority. It turns out that a month ago Mother Jones actually called RGB’s death in the next couple of years, which would be outrageous if a conservative did it.

In early November, Ginsberg fell and broke 3 ribs, which is actually the second time she’s broken ribs in recent memory. Last week she had some cancerous lumps removed from her lungs, which is actually the third time she’s been diagnosed with cancer in recent memory. At some point after the fall, but before the cancer Mother Jones pretty much predicted her death.

But no amount of swag or hagiography can obscure the fact that, while Ginsburg is responsible for a great number of landmark legal decisions, her legacy may be sorely tarnished by one truly terrible one: refusing to retire when President Barack Obama could have named her replacement. That decision came into stark relief this month when Ginsburg fell and broke three ribs—and half of the nation took a collective gasp.

And Mother Jones thinks they even know how she’ll die:

Ginsburg is a mere mortal. Falling down is the leading cause of accidental death in people over age 85. The actuarial table is not in her favor. There’s a real possibility Ginsburg will not outlast the Trump administration or live long enough for a Democrat to replace her.

With the basic how and when of her death, Mother Jones then wrote something that should have infuriated the RGB cultists:

By refusing to gracefully transition off the court when Obama could have named her successor, she has raised the very real risk of her seat being filled by someone who will spend a generation trying to undo all she worked for.

Look, Mother Jones didn’t write anything that isn’t based on fact here. Ginsberg is 85-years-old, constantly dozes off on the bench, and falls more than brain damaged Hillary Clinton. It’s a real possibility she won’t live to see the end of Trump’s term (terms) and she definitely should have retired when Obama occupied the White House.

The thing is, if a conservative had said what Mother Jones did, there would be an uproar. We don’t even need to play the “what if” game because as chance would have it, Bill O’Reilly said the exact same thing on Twitter when RGB’s cancer was announced last week.

O’Reilly got dragged for being a ghoul, while Mother Jones never caught any shit for expressing the same informed opinion. At least O’Reilly said it after she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Mother Jones was digging her grave over some broken ribs. Once again things are only bad when conservatives say them.

Of course Mother Jones shouldn’t be patting themselves on the back for predicting RGB’s death as this is like guessing the sun will rise in the East. It’s just not that impressive saying that someone who already looks like a walking corpse is going to die. If they really want to wow us, kill it on the March Madness brackets.