Will Trump Get Another SCOTUS Pick Soon? RGB Breaks 3 Ribs In Fall

It’s a good thing Republicans retained control of the Senate because it’s looking like President Trump might get another Supreme Court before his first term is up. Ancient fragile liberal SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was hospitalized with 3 broken ribs after a Hillary Clinton-esque fall. I guess we now know that Notorious RGB stands for “Rib-Breakin’ Grandma.” With her advanced age and mounting health issues, how much longer can Ginsberg cling to her bench position?

Fox News reports:

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hospitalized Thursday after fracturing three ribs on her left side in a fall at her office a day earlier, the court said in a news release.

Ginsburg, 85, initially went home after the accident, which occurred in her Supreme Court office. But she later reported experiencing some discomfort, and was admitted to George Washington University Hospital “for observation and treatment.”

What the hell was she doing in her office that she ate it so bad she broke 3 ribs? Playing mini-basketball against Sonia Sotomayor? Way to take a charge, RGB.

This isn’t the first time Ginsberg has broken ribs either. Back in 2012 she broke two more trying to high-five a normal sized person to celebrate Barack Obama’s reelection. I actually don’t know how she broke her ribs in 2012, but with 5 broken ribs in 6 years that at least indicates she should drink more milk. She’s breaking nearly 1 rib every year. Sure humans have 24 ribs, but there’s no way the ancient one can hang on to her SCOTUS seat for 19 more years when she’d be 104-years-old.

In addition to her fragile ribcage, Ginsberg has survived cancer twice and had a blocked artery opened up in 2014. I don’t wish Ginsberg any specific harm and I’m certainly not praying for her to die, but she’s not in good health and should probably step down while she still can.

Ginsberg actually messed up big-time here because she should have retired while Obama was president. Republicans didn’t allow Obama to fill Antonin Scalia’s vacant seat because he was a conservative judge, but they would have given a vote on a replacement for liberal RGB. I’m sure, like most liberals, Ginsberg thought Hillary Clinton was going to win so she never worried about a Republican president possibly filling her seat. Now that could be the case.

If Ginsberg were to retire voluntarily or otherwise, that would give Trump the chance to nominate a 3rd Supreme Court Justice. It would also mean that the court would go to a 6-3 conservative majority which would make liberals heads explode. Seeing as how the Senate votes to confirm SCOTUS nominees and the GOP just increased their majority in the chamber, if Trump gets another pick it’s a done deal.

Trump’s next nominee, if it happens, won’t have to go through the same bullshit Brett Kavanugh did because the Republicans have more room for error. With Kavanaugh, they had to walk on eggshells to appease RINOs like Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski. With a few more votes to play with the GOP won’t need democrat Joe Manchin to get a nominee through.

I don’t think Ginsberg will retire under her own power as long as Trump is in the White House and should she (God forbid) die during his term the democrats will most certainly pull some Weekend At Bernie’s style hijinx to make it seems like she’s alive until a democrat becomes president. Still, Trump looks like a shoe-in for reelection in 2020 so another 6 years is a long time for her to hang on.