Good morning and happy new year to all of you Deplorables, get ready because the shit is about to hit the fan right off the bat this year.
The Coming Democratic Implosion
Via The American Thinker
he Cowboys won’t play in the 2019 Super Bowl. The Rangers are not quite ready for another postseason run.
Nevertheless, here is a prediction I am very confident about.
Someone said that Doug Schoen, former Clinton adviser and Fox News contributor, told Nancy Pelosi to rein in Congresswoman-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Isn’t that like telling LeBron James to shut up and play basketball? How do you stop AOC from talking when every news outlet wants to invite her to the show?
The complete and total implosion of the Democrats, especially the majority in the House, will be the story of 2019. It may not be covered that way by CNN and MSNBC, but the towers will start falling soon.
We already see cracks in the so-called “Women’s March,” a phony parade that should have been called “the march of the anti-Trump women.”
Read the entire article HERE.
Go ahead, Elizabeth Warren, make Trump’s day!
By Howie Carr
It’s official — the fake Indian has tossed her war bonnet into the ring. She wants to be the next Great White Father.
For many moons, we have known that this announcement about her “exploratory committee” was coming. But still, the timing does seem a bit inauspicious.
I mean, New Year’s Eve? Since buffalo roamed the plains, most braves and squaws spend-um New Year’s Eve stocking their teepees and wigwams with firewater and cold crab omelet, or sending out smoke signals looking for papoose-sitters for the festivities.
In other words, nobody’s paying attention to the news. But maybe that’s part of the fake Indian’s strategy, considering that her core constituencies — the pampered pukes at the Times and the Globe — have already told her to go take her act on the political Trail of Tears.
Read the entire article HERE.
Firm That Warned Americans Of Russian Bots… Was Running An Army Of Fake Russian Bots
Via Zero Hedge
The co-founders of cybersecurity firm New Knowledge warned Americans in November to “remain vigilant” in the face of “Russian efforts” to meddle in US elections. This month, they have been exposed for doing just that themselves.
Ryan Fox and Jonathan Morgan, who run the New Knowledge cybersecurity company which claims to “monitor disinformation” online, penned a foreboding op-ed in the New York Times on November 6, about “the Russians” and their nefarious efforts to influence American elections.
At the time, it struck me that Fox and Morgan’s reasoning seemed a little far-fetched. For example, one of the pieces of evidence presented to prove that Russia had targeted American elections was that lots of people had posted links to RT’s content online. Hardly a smoking gun worthy of a Times oped.
Morgan and Fox, intrepid cyber sleuths that they are, claimed in the article they had detected more “overall activity” from ongoing Russian influence campaigns than social media companies like Facebook and Twitter had yet revealed — or that other researchers had been able to identify.
The New Knowledge guys even authored a Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russia’s alleged efforts to mess with American democracy. They called it a “propaganda war against American citizens.” Impressive stuff. They must be really good at their job, right?
This week, however, we learned that New Knowledge was running its own disinformation campaign (or “propaganda war against Americans,” you could say), complete with fake Russian bots designed to discredit Republican candidate Roy Moore as a Russia-preferred candidate when he was running for the US senate in Alabama in 2017.
The scheme was exposed by the New York Times — the paper that just over a month earlier published that aforementioned oped, in which Fox and Morgan pontificated about Russian interference online.
New Knowledge created a mini-army of fake Russian bots and fake Facebook groups. The accounts, which had Russian names, were made to follow Moore. An internal company memo boasted that New Knowledge had “orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet.”
Read the entire article HERE.
How the War Party Lost the Middle East
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Who plunged us into a Syrian civil war, and so managed our intervention that were we to go home after seven years our enemies will be victorious and our allies will “get slaughtered”?
Seventeen years ago, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan to oust the Taliban for granting sanctuary to al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.
U.S. diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad is today negotiating for peace talks with that same Taliban. Yet, according to former CIA director Mike Morell, writing in The Washington Post today, the “remnants of al-Qaeda work closely” with today’s Taliban.
It would appear that 17 years of fighting in Afghanistan has left us with these alternatives: Stay there, and fight a forever war to keep the Taliban out of Kabul, or withdraw and let the Taliban overrun the place.
Who got us into this debacle?
Read the entire article HERE.
NATO Partisans Started a New Cold War With Russia
Via The American Conservative
Far too many Western (especially American) analyses explicitly or implicitly act as though the United States and its NATO allies worked assiduously to establish cordial relations with Russia but were compelled to adopt hardline policies solely because of Russia’s perversely aggressive conduct. That is a distorted, self-serving portrayal on the part of NATO partisans. It falsely portrays the West as purely a reactive player—that NATO initiatives were never insensitive, provocative, or aggressive. Nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, the opposite is closer to the mark; Russia’s actions, both in terms of timing and virulence, tended to be responses to aggressive Western initiatives. Unfortunately, avid NATO supporters seem determined to double down, insisting that the Trump administration adopt even more uncompromising policies.
Contending that Moscow is to blame for the deterioration of East-West relations because of its military actions in Georgia and Ukraine, as U.S. opinion leaders tend to do, is especially inaccurate. The problems began much earlier than the events in 2008 and 2014. The West humiliated a defeated adversary that showed every sign of wanting to become part of a broader Western community. Expanding NATO and trampling on Russian interests in the Balkans were momentous early measures that torpedoed friendly relations.
Read the entire article HERE.
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