Comrade Chuck Todd Bans Global Warming Skeptics From Meet The Press

The recent furor to censor conservative and pro-Trump voices continues to intensify which makes one wonder whether they will be silenced altogether to boost the hopes of Democrats in the critical 2020 presidential election.

For the most part, the stifling of free speech has been accomplished by a brilliant idea that perfectly circumvents the First Amendment by delegating the dirty work to the far-left ideologues who rule Silicon Valley and have managed to amass great and unaccountable power that allows them to control what millions of people see and hear.

The next phase will be in the mainstream media which has been immensely hostile to conservatives for decades but now that the idea that censorship of those who don’t agree with you is cool, they will soon be denied any place on the public airwaves and the talking heads who are little more than propaganda parrots are eager to do what it takes to marginalize tens of millions of Americans.

Proving that inside every liberal is a raving fascist screaming to get out, NBC’s ace “reporter’ Chuck Todd is drawing raves from the left for using his podium on the network’s flagship “Meet The Press” to host a “debate” on global warming/climate change that conveniently omitted any skeptics or opposing viewpoints.

Todd justified his stacked show with a blunt “the science is settled” as he proceeded to turn his show over to a one-sided discussion of what is likely going to be the key “issue” for the Democrats once they are done with Trump.

Via The Hill, “Chuck Todd says his show is ‘not going to give time to climate deniers'”:

NBC’s Chuck Todd at the beginning of “Meet the Press” on Sunday said that his show is “not going to give time to climate deniers” before hosting an hourlong panel with lawmakers and experts about the consequences of climate change.

“This morning, we’re going to do something that we don’t often get to do: dive in on one topic,” Todd said after showing video clips of dramatic weather incidents in the last year. He continued that climate change is “a literally earth-changing subject that doesn’t get talked about this thoroughly, at least on television news.”

“Just as important as what we are going to do is what we’re not going to do,” Todd said. “We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The earth is getting hotter and human activity is a major cause, period.”

“We’re not going to give time to climate deniers,” Todd added. “The science is settled even if political opinion is not.”

Todd’s blatant bias was hailed by 2020 Democrat frontrunner Bernie Sanders who has managed to craft an appeal to ignoramuses and young people who don’t understand history and naively believe that socialism (or communism) is a viable system of governance.

He also featured former New York mayor and anti-Second Amendment fanatic Michael Bloomberg who has vowed to make global warming a key issue for Democrats and the fearmongering is already in overdrive – easy pickings when you don’t allow dissenting opinions.

Even Governor Moonbeam aka Jerry Brown who has been an unmitigated disaster for California beamed in and repeated the audacious assertion of one Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez that fighting global warming was akin to the battle against Nazi Germany.

He rounded out his all-star lineup of activists with Dr. Kate Marvel, the virulently anti-Trump Republican Carlos Curbelo whose opposition to the POTUS cost him his congressional seat and neocon think tank queen Michèle Flournoy who was said to be the choice as Hillary’s Secretary Of Defense before voters spoiled the plans.

It was one of the most audacious dog and pony shows since the CNN town hall after the Parkland high school shootings.

While few of a guy named Al Gore’s dire predictions that he made decades ago have ever materialized, the Democrats and their deep-pocketed donor class comprised of environmentalist extremists like Tom Steyer see a winner that will not only reboot globalism but also appeal to a younger generation of the same type who have been drawn to Comrade Bernie’s sweet siren song of free stuff.

And that socialist snake oil will figure prominently in the “Green New Deal” that will soon be unveiled by Democrats.

Get used to an ever-expanding list of topics that will be forbidden to discuss because the left has the wind in their sails and the course set for totalitarianism.