Pelosi Defends Muslim Dem With Mouth Like An Open Sewer

From the “no surprise” department, the keeper of the mighty gavel has put her seal of approval on the gutter language of incoming Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib whose video of calling for the impeachment of the “motherfucker” President Trump has now gone viral.

Tlaib who took her oath of office on a Quran is one of the incoming extremists that will eventually supplant the corrupt old fogies like Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi and her Praetorian Guard of Dem dinosaurs, likely aligned under the communist banner borne by superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Rep. Tlaib’s rallying cry to a gang of jerkoffs culminated with a rallying cry of “We’re going to go in and impeach the motherfucker!“ once again showing that the new breed of Dems and leftists are incapable of uttering three sentences without profanity, especially some variation of the word fuck.

The septuagenarian Pelosi basked in her glory on Thursday when she regained her powerful position that was relinquished when voters revolted against the Dems during the Obama years and during a chat with MSNBC’s homophobic, vitriolic racist Joy Reid, she defended Tlaib’s potty mouth.



It’s sickening and sad but totally predictable for this bunch of vermin and their tantrum-throwing army of darkness.

EDITOR’S NOTE: FUCK Google and triple-FUCK Facebook if they find this post to be offensive.