Liberals Hail Fruitcake Dem Senator Who Refused To Be Sworn In On The Bible

Arizonans may FINALLY be rid of John McCain and Jeff Flake but thanks to the surprise Senate win by liberal fruitcake Kyrsten Sinema, the Code Pinko activist who once protested U.S. troops while wearing a pink tutu and expressed support for the Taliban was sworn into office on Thursday.

According to the left, Sinema was by far the most qualified candidate in the southwest. Translation: She’s bisexual and she’s getting lots of love from the socialists and SJWS for her refusal to be sworn in on a copy of the bible in what by all indications was a bigoted anti-Christian gesture directed at Vice President Mike Pence.

It’s kind of like the gay members of the U.S. Olympic team who crapped all over their teammates and fellow Americans by making anti-Pence political statements and swapping spit instead of being team players and bringing the gold back home.

At least she was sworn in on the Constitution and not the Quran like the foul-mouthed Rashida Tlaib but God only know why because everyone with a lick of sense knows that the Democrats have no use for the document.

As yet another one of the freaks in the Democrat carnival of perversion, the first Democrat to be elected to the Senate in Arizona is getting the rock star treatment.

Via the leftist Boing Boing, “Arizona’s kick-ass new bisexual Senator took her oath on the US Constitution, administered by cringing, homophobic Dominionist Mike Pence”:

Last week, incoming Senator Kyrsten Sinema [D-AZ] was sworn in by Mike Pence, in his aspect as President of the Senate, choosing to take her oath on a book containing both the Constitutions of the United States of America and Arizona, a tome repeating the framers’ prohibition on the US government’s establishment a state religion or discrimination on the basis of faith or lack thereof.

Sinema is the first openly bisexual person elected to the Senate. Pence is a notorious homophobe, bigot and Dominionist who has espoused the traitorous idea that America should have a state religion in the form of a puritanical, heretical Christianity that denies the message of Christ: a refugee and illegal immigrant who believed that the rich should have their wealth forcibly expropriated and given to the poor. Pence is also notorious for refusing to socialize with women.

More socialist swill from the extremist Huffington Post, “Kyrsten Sinema’s Swearing-In Look Was A Bold Queer Statement”:

Why does it matter? Because representation matters. Visibility matters. Setting an example and breaking barriers matter. Sinema is sending a message: Women in power can stop denaturing themselves in order to be taken seriously ― or to assume even more power. We don’t need to resign ourselves to boxy suits, sensible flats, or shellacked helmet hair to exhibit maturity and credibility. The outfit was like a dare: Dismiss me at your peril. Femmes are a force of nature, and every time one shows out to let everybody know, it matters.

From the baubles on the toes of her shoes to the screen siren set of her hair, Sinema’s look was a subversive flaming arrow fired over the bow of the stodgy Beltway ship. The pink coat, with its nod back to the pink tutu imbroglio, and the exposed biceps, a stark defiance of the Capitol Hill dress code that insists women cover up their arms, powered that arrow with a “fuck you” thrust. The outfit was composed of bold statement pieces, and the entire ensemble was itself a bold statement: I’m here, I’m a femme queer, get used to it.

If you’re not already scrambling for your barf bucket, here’s more:

The whole thing was as ugly as sin, just like when she looks into the mirror every morning.