Did Obama Just Trash Talk Schumer And Pelosi?

When Barack Obama attacks President Trump without using his name, it’s big news. When he goes after democrats without using their names, not so much. At a recent who-gives-a-f*ck event the former occupier of the White House took an apparent shot at elderly democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, accusing them of clinging to power and calling for “new blood.” The one time Obama says something semi-intelligent and the none of the major news outlets even covered it.

According to the Honolulu Civil Beat, Obama gave a speech at an Obama Foundation event in Hawaii last week to “inspire, empower and connect people to change their world.” I’m sure it was as fun as it sounds.

At some point Obama was talking about leaders “obsessed with power” and of course he wasn’t referring to himself.

“People cling to power instead of seeing the power in other people,” said Obama.

Why is this guy so obsessed with other people clinging to things? He doesn’t like people clinging to guns, religion, Fox News, and now power. Maybe he should stop clinging to being full of shit and his problem with what other people cling to won’t be such a sore subject for him anymore.

Also, here’s a fair question: If clinging to power is such a bad thing, why’d he do it in 2012? Why did he run for reelection instead of recognizing power in someone else?

“We have a deficit of leadership, and we need new blood,” Obama said.

It seems like Obama was talking about President Trump, but the news assures us he wasn’t:

The 44th president of the United States made no public mention of the 45th president, Donald Trump, or of the continuing government shutdown.

Well, if he wasn’t talking about Trump being too old and clinging to power, who was he pointing fingers at? He uses the word “we” so presumably he’s talking about the Democratic Party, which means he’s referring to democratic leaders. Currently that’s 78-year-old 17-term Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and 68-year-old Chuck Schumer who has served 15 years in the US Senate.

Clearly Obama is saying that Pelosi and Schumer need to get the hell out of politics. He could also be throwing shade at geezers like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden who continue to tease more doomed-to-fail presidential runs.

On top of trashing talking his fellow democrats, there is also some Obama ego at work here. His major point is that since he is no longer in charge there is a “deficit of leadership.” What he’s really saying is “everyone sucks but me.” He drove this runaway narcissism home with his parting shot:

“We are once again going to change the world for the better,” Obama said.

If you are going to do something “once again” doesn’t that imply that you’ve done it at least one time previously? When did Obama change the world for the better? He f*cked things up in Syria, Libya, Yemen, the Ukraine, and the only thing he changed in the US was saddling us with shitty expensive healthcare coverage. Maybe the word “better” means something different to him, I don’t know.

If Obama had delivered a speech calling Donald Trump a big doo doc head, the liberal media would have been all over it. When he calls the aging leaders of the Democratic Party “bitter clingers” and demands they GTFO of politics, not one liberal news source will touch it. The liberal media’s Trump obsession is so bad that even Obama can’t get coverage unless he’s attacking the President.