Carl Bernstein Says We’ve Never Had A President Who Hates Half The Country Until Trump

Carl Bernstein is older than dirt, but his age isn’t to blame for his selective memory, it’s his flaming liberal bias. The veteran journalist said that America has never had a president who hates half the country until Donald Trump. Never mind that Trump doesn’t hate half the country, what about Obama? The former occupier of the White House was openly hostile to at least half the people in this country and it’s only been 2 years since he left office.

Bernstein was on CNN bitching about President Trump’s modest request for some border security when he unleashed this whopping lie:

“You know, we have had in this country situations where maybe half the country hates the President of the United States at one time or another. We’ve never had a President that hates half the country,” said Bernstein.

Bernstein was talking about Trump and he clearly meant to say that the President is the first one in history to hate half the country. Trump hates the liberal media, Bernstein included, he hates a handful of democrats who constantly compare him to Hitler, and he hates a smattering of celebrities like Rosie O’Donnell. That doesn’t even come close to 1% of the country, let alone 50%. Trump has been working hard to improve the prosperity and security of all Americans, which is not something you do to people you hate.

Obama on the other hand, genuinely hated about half this country and more specifically the conservative half. He called us “bitter” for clinging to our guns and religion. On many occasions throughout his presidency he slammed both Fox News and anyone who watched it. His actions as president were designed to punish hardworking productive people, gun owners, and traditional families, which is something you do when you hate people.

It’s painfully obvious that Trump doesn’t hate half the country and that Obama definitely did, so Bernstein’s statement that we’ve never had a president hate half the country is a lie.

It could be argued that Bill Clinton hated half the country. He was a serial abuser of women and rape is a crime of hatred, not lust. Half the people in the country are women and Bill likely wanted to have sex with every last one of them whether they wanted it or not, so he hated half the country.

Bernstein tried to back up his claim that Trump hates half the country with this nonsense:

“We’re talking about a wall here that is a symbol that says ‘brown people, we don’t want you.’ It goes back to Trump talking about rapists. It goes back to talking about gangs,” said Bernstein.

A border wall actually says “if you want to come here, do it the right way.” When Trump was talking about rapists, he said that some illegal aliens are criminals. When Trump was talking about gangs, he was vowing to crack down on the the violent illegal immigrant street gang MS-13.

The point is, everything that Bernstein says makes Trump a hater of half the country is related to illegal immigrants. People who are not citizens of this country and are here illegally do not make up any percent of the country. Even if Trump does hate illegal immigrants, that doesn’t mean he hates half the country.

When Carl Bernstein says we’ve never had a President who hates half the country until Trump, what he really mean is we haven’t had a president since George W. Bush that most of the media hates. By extension he also means that the liberal media hates the half of the country that put Trump in the White House and who supports him.