Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Have a nice weekend Deplorables, here’s the weekend edition of BFTB

The Democrat Freak Show Has Begun

Now that the mid-terms are over, and the new Congress has started, political observers have already started to focus on the 2020 presidential campaign. Every election cycle it begins earlier, especially in this case, because the Democrats and their supporters in the media are obsessed with defeating President Donald Trump.

The hatred from the left for Donald Trump is off the charts and it is getting worse all the time. This anger is fueling the 2020 presidential contest for Democrats and, as a result, contenders are pledging to stop the Trump agenda, support the Mueller investigation and the ultimate prize, impeachment.

Read the entire article HERE.

Why President Donald Trump Will Win The Shutdown

Via The Federalist

The Democrats have made this a zero-sum game. If Trump gets any money for the wall, he wins. That’s a really fantastic position for him. He can go on TV, whether in a controversial network roadblock or an appearance on the southern border, and say, “Hey, I’m up for a compromise.” Meanwhile, Chuck and Nancy have to slam the door shut on getting 800,000 federal employees back to work.

A president always has an advantage in a government shutdown. The executive branch speaks with a single voice, while Congress is divided between parties. Trump is clearly pointing to and offering a solution. The House Democrats aren’t. And their intransigence is highlighted by the fact that Republican members of Congress are calling them out.

The simplest and best solution to the current crises is for Democrats to give Trump a few billion dollars for the wall, get something back on minors illegally transported across the border, and then we all move on. But the new Democratic leadership has decided this can’t happen. They have drawn a line in the sand, “and across this line you will not…”

So here we are. What reason does President Trump possibly have to cave? You could point to the legitimately troubling stories of federal employees unable to pay the rent, as major networks have done, but as troubling as those stories are, can we really place the blame squarely on the one person who is open for a compromise?

Read the entire article HERE.

U.S. Media Really, Really, R.E.A.L.L.Y. Need Everyone to Know that Justice Ginsberg is Healthy…

Via The Conservative Treehouse

How far would the left-wing apparatus go to ensure that President Donald Trump does not have an opportunity to replace another supreme court justice? As far as needed…. There are no boundaries too extreme on this issue. None.

If the far-left political and institutional apparatus; including associates within the DOJ and FBI; were willing to work with allies in DC to frame an incredulous “rape gang” narrative against nominee Justice Kavanaugh; knowing their allied media would incredulously push the most absurd claim imaginable;… well, enough said.

Justice Ginsburg will be “working” from home, invisibly, for a year or more… even if in a coma; hooked up to breathing apparatus, and being force-fed through a tube. Watch.

Read the entire article HERE.

China is detaining people for posting on Twitter in an escalation of its mission to silence internet users

Via Pulse

Chinese Twitter users have been detained, interrogated, and threatened for their tweets, The New York Times reports .

Twitter, like many internet platforms including Facebook and Google, is not available in China. Nonetheless, a small percentage of Chinese internet users circumvent the Great Firewall using software to access the site.

Now it seems that Chinese authorities are cracking down.

The Times spoke with nine Twitter users who have been questioned by the police, and reviewed a recording of a four-hour long interrogation. Officers showed people printouts of their tweets complaining that they were critical of the government or of President Xi Jinping, and advised them to take down their tweets or delete their accounts.

Those interviewed told the Times that officers sometimes resorted to threats. An activist with a Twitter following of 8,000 said he was interrogated for eight hours while manacled to a chair. Afterwards, he signed a promise to stay off Twitter.

Read the entire article HERE.

Kamala Harris and the Religious Test of the ‘New Liberalism’

Via The Washington Free Beacon

Kamala Harris is set to announce her candidacy for president sometime around Martin Luther King Jr. Day. What sort of chief executive would she be? Well, here’s your first clue: On December 5, Harris posed a series of written questions to Brian Buescher, President Trump’s nominee for District Court in Nebraska. The third question reads as follows:

Since 1993, you have been a member of the Knights of Columbus, an all-male society comprised primarily of Catholic men. In 2016, Carl Anderson, leader of the Knights of Columbus, described abortion as ‘a legal regime that has resulted in more than 40 million deaths.’ Mr. Anderson went on to say that ‘abortion is the killing of the innocent on a massive scale.’ Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman’s right to choose when you joined the organization?

Harris wasn’t finished. Follow-ups included “Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed marriage equality when you joined the organization?” and “Have you ever, in any way, assisted with or contributed to advocacy against women’s reproductive rights?”

Buescher, a Nebraska native and graduate of the Georgetown Law Center, replied that he joined the Knights when he was 18 years old; that his involvement includes charitable work; and that his job as a judge is to apply the law regardless of his personal convictions. Strong answers. That he had to offer them is a disgrace.

What Kamala Harris is suggesting is that membership in a 2 million-strong, 136-year-old Catholic social organization disqualifies an individual from the federal bench.

Read the entire article HERE.

As Democratic Elites Reunite With Neocons, The Party’s Voters Are Becoming Far More Militaristic and Pro-War than Republicans

By Glenn Greenwald

But what’s happening here is far more insidious. A core ethos of the anti-Trump #Resistance has become militarism, jingoism, and neoconservatism. Trump is frequently attacked by Democrats using long-standing Cold War scripts wielded for decades against them by the Far Right: Trump is insufficiently belligerent with U.S. enemies; he’s willing to allow the Bad Countries to take over by bringing home U.S. soldiers; his efforts to establish less hostile relations with adversary countries is indicative of weakness or even treason.

At the same time, Democratic policy elites in Washington are once again formally aligning with neoconservatives even to the point of creating joint foreign policy advocacy groups (a reunion that pre-dated Trump). The leading Democratic Party think tank, the Center for American Progress, donated $200,000 to the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute and has multi-level alliances with warmongering institutions. By far the most influential liberal media outlet, MSNBC, is stuffed full of former Bush/Cheney officials, security state operatives and agents, while even the liberal stars are notably hawkish (a decade ago, long before she went as far down the pro-war and Cold Warrior rabbit hole which she now occupies, Rachel Maddow heralded herself as a “national security liberal” who is “all about counterterrorism”).

All of this has resulted in a new generation of Democrats, politically engaged for the first time as a result of fears over Trump, being inculcated with values of militarism and imperialism, trained to view once-discredited, war-loving neocons such as Bill Kristol, Max Boot and David Frum and former CIA and FBI leaders as noble experts and trusted voices of conscience. It’s inevitable that all of these trends would produce a party that is increasingly pro-war and militaristic, and polling data now leaves little doubt that this transformation – which will endure long after Trump is gone – is well under way.

Read the entire article HERE.

Karl Marx and the Great Socialist Revival

By James Bovard

Socialism’s popularity is reviving in America. A self-proclaimed socialist won the Democratic nomination for a congressional seat in the Bronx, and Democratic Socialist candidates are thriving in many areas of the nation. The Washington Post reported in July that it’s “been a good summer for the Democratic Socialists of America,” who have “never had more adherents or more clout.” The Democratic Socialists of America openly calls for the abolition of capitalism.

It would be gratifying to Karl Marx, born 200 years ago in Trier, Germany. In a New York Times tribute headlined, “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!” philosophy professor Jason Barker declared that “educated liberal opinion is today more or less unanimous in its agreement with Marx’s basic thesis” that capitalism is fatally flawed. But that presumption is true only if “educated liberal opinion” simply does not care about tyranny.

Read the entire article HERE.

Indiana college hosts ‘privilege simulator’ on MLK Jr. Day

Via Campus Reform

Indiana University Bloomington will feature an “interactive privilege simulator” on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

The simulator will “provide participants the opportunity to gain perspective on how various racial, gender, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, religious, and ability-centered identities impact the lived experiences and opportunities of minoritized people and communities,” according to the event’s description.

Indiana University Bloomington will showcase the simulator at an annual IUnity Summit, which the school describes as an “interactive, inspirational, and transformative diversity education experience.”

Monica Johnson, director of the school’s Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, told the Indiana Daily Student. The simulation will investigate privilege, systemic oppression, and power. Students will use an identity tag to act out decisions in different situations.

“We will be turning Alumni Hall into a game board,” Johnson told the student publication. “Around the room will be various stations representing essential entities and systems within life: Housing, employment, education, finance, healthcare, and the judicial system.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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