Is It Time For Twitter To Be Held Accountable For Leftist Hate Mobs?

It is now becoming very clear that social media is the most poisonous and destructive force in American history.

The lives of a number of Kentucky Catholic teenagers were upended over a misleading video that subjected them to the vengeance of the social media mob after the media rush to judgment spun a narrative that they had acted out in a racist manner against an elderly Native American man.

The students at Covington Catholic were attending the March For Life in Washington D.C. when they encountered participants of The Indigenous Peoples March and in the ensuing confusion, the Indian began beating a drum in their faces.

Being that the teens happened to be wearing the red MAGA hats popularized by President Trump, out-of-context clips of the alleged racism resulted in a media firestorm as well as demands for them to be expelled from their school and it didn’t stop there.

A certain celebrity who gained notoriety for the macabre photo shoot of her hoisting a bloody replica of Trump’s head called for the boys to be doxed, thereby pouring gasoline onto an already volatile situation that could end up with someone being physically harmed or at the very least, subject to having their life destroyed because they were unfortunate enough to become proxies for Trump.

The foul-mouthed Kathy Griffin truly exemplifies the left in this age of hate that has erupted out of the bitterness of a lost election and now threatens to consume America in an ugly conflagration that is going to end up with blood in the streets.

Griffin has 2.1 million Twitter followers and they have received their orders to target the students with extreme prejudice based on what now appears to be more of the same fake news that the Trump hating media cranks out 24/7.

It wasn’t only unhinged fanatics like Griffin either.

Senator Elizabeth Warren who covets the 2020 Democrat nomination saw an opportunity to burhish her credentials with Native Americans (of which she is not one) to put the party’s official seal of approval on the swarming of the hate mob.

Yes, this week’s BuzzFeed fiasco didn’t give the media a lesson in restraint because they took the most inflammatory version that fits their anti-Trump socialist agenda and ran with it even as more complete videos of the confrontation that should that it may have been instigated by the Native American activist began to surface.

And when they did, they told a completely different story…

Via The Washington Examiner, “Rush to judgment? New details emerge on Native American elder’s standoff with MAGA-hat-wearing teens”:

New details about a viral video that showed an interaction between white teenagers wearing “Make America Great Again” hats and a Native American elder are leading some people to second-guess their first impression of the encounter.

A student from Kentucky’s all-male Covington Catholic High School drew backlash online after a clip emerged Saturday of him smiling and standing close to the face of Nathan Phillips, an Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran, as Phillips sang and beat a drum near the Lincoln Memorial in downtown D.C. on Friday. Other young people standing close by can be seen chanting as they encircle Phillips.

Lawmakers, Native American leaders, and the Diocese of Covington and Covington Catholic High School were quick to condemn the boy’s behavior. The school announced it was investigating the situation and said the teen could be expelled.

But a longer video from a different angle shows that Philips was the one to approach the teenagers, taking a left on a landing along the stairway up the Lincoln Memorial and walking directly into the throng of students.

With the additional video, some in the media are acknowledging that they screwed up:

From Griffin and Pocahontas?

Those are crickets that you are hearing.

Is it a coincidence that this onslaught against the teens comes at the same time that leading Democrats including presidential hopeful Kamala Harris and Senator Mazie Hirono have engaged in shameful anti-Catholic religious bigotry?

If this doesn’t send a message to @jack that he has to start seriously monitoring Twitter for provocateurs like Kathy Griffin who are no better than domestic terrorists with their calls for attacks on the innocent then nothing will.

Banning that vicious psychotic cunt Kathy Griffin isn’t going to be enough either.
