Build The Effing Wall: Illegal Immigrant Murders 4 Americans In Nevada

The democrats’ and by extension the liberal media’s narrative is that President Trump is manufacturing a border crisis to build an unnecessary wall on the US/Mexico border. Meanwhile an illegal immigrant murdered 4 American citizens in Nevada, proving that the crisis is real and showing how essential a border wall is to stopping these criminal scumbags from entering our country. The liberal media will bury this story and the democrats will pretend it never happened as they continue to shut down the government over their refusal to fund any kind of border security at all.

On January 10, 56-year-old Connie Koontz was found shot to death in her Reno, NV home. On January 13, 74-year-old Sophia Renken was discovered also shot to death about a mile from the first murder. On January 16, 81-year-old Jerry David and his 80-year-old wife Sherri were gunned down in their South Reno home.

Ballistic evince tied all 4 murders together and police made an arrest according to The Reno Gazette Journal:

A suspect has been arrested in connection to the four homicides earlier this month in Douglas County and South Reno.

Wilbur Martinez-Guzman, 19, was arrested at 4:30 p.m. Saturday in Carson City and is being held there on charges related to burglary and possession of stolen property, and charges related to his immigration status.

“We felt it was important for the public to know that we are confident we have the person responsible for the La Guardia Lane homicides as well as the homicides in Douglas County. The information we have now indicates there are no outstanding suspects at this time, but the investigation is still ongoing,” said Washoe Sheriff Darin Balaam.

While they haven’t yet charged this piece of shit with the 4 murders, the authorities are confident they got the right guy. A search of his home turned up items stolen from the victims’ homes and the FBI connected all 4 killings ballistically and to Martinez-Guzman.

They have charged him on an immigration issue and thats because Martinez-Guzman is in this country illegally. Thank God Nevada isn’t a sanctuary state because if this happened in California this f*cker would already be back out on the streets killing Americans.

This illegal immigrant is a serial killer who snuffed out 4 American lives. He is exactly the type of criminal predator that democrats are trying to protect with their open border policies. He is the kind of scumbag that democrats are willing to shut down the government over. The democrats’ refusal to fund President Trump’s border wall is all about putting illegal immigrant killers like Martinez-Guzman over the the lives of Americans.

An important question to ask is: why isn’t this big news? An illegal immigrant killed 4 Americans while democrats are shutting down the government, claiming President Trump is manufacturing an illegal immigrant crisis. If a dude in a MAGA hat killed 4 people the liberal media would be in hysterics over the nonexistent issue of right-wing violence, but the real problem of illegal immigrant crime is completely ignored.

I said it in the headline and I’ll say it again: build the f*cking wall. We have to stop pieces of shit like this from coming into our country and preying on our people. Every day that democrat keep the government shut down means more and more criminal illegal immigrants like Martinez-Guzman are coming in.