Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

‘White Privilege’ Is A Racist Idea

By David Horowitz

Across the country, re-education sessions are routinely held in businesses, professional offices, medical schools, universities, and even kindergartens. Their purpose is to teach the un-woke about the evils of “white privilege,” and make white people who participate uncomfortable about their skin color.

Whites are to own up to the fact that regardless of their intentions, beliefs, behaviors or status in life, they are elite participants in a racist system that oppresses “people of color,” and are so merely because they are white.

But discrimination on the basis of skin color has been outlawed in this country for more than 60 years. One might reasonably ask, “WTF is white privilege”?

Here’s my politically incorrect answer: White privilege is the gift of being the only racial/ethnic group on the planet which it is okay to single out for abuse.

Read the entire article HERE.

When did patriotism become racism?

Via The American Thinker

When did it become a racist act to wear a hat that reads, “Make America Great Again”? Keep in mind: it doesn’t matter how many patriotic blacks wear MAGA hats, or how many go public with their support of President Trump. As far as the left is concerned, those blacks are “Uncle Toms,” or traitors to the left-wing strategy of undermining the values of our country.

Those who engage in such ludicrous accusations undoubtedly feel that it’s their trump card (no pun) to use whenever they’re losing an argument. If you’re responsible enough to say we need a border wall to protect American sovereignty, the leftist can attempt to put you on the defensive by saying you’re a racist who doesn’t want “brown” people in the country. Now, I happen to know oodles of brown people who unequivocally agree with the need for a wall. I suppose they’d be called traitors to “their people,” too. The fact is that it has nothing to do with racial bias; it’s all about winning the argument by intimidating your opponents out of their right to free speech.

Leftists are so filled with self-imposed rage that it makes them sloppy and foolish. A recent example is when CNN legal analyst Areva Martin, a black woman, thought she was talking to a white man while she was speaking as a guest on David Webb’s radio show. When Webb said he considered his qualifications more important than his skin color when he applies for jobs, Martin accused him of “exercising white privilege.” The problem with that was, as Webb pointed out in his response: “Areva, I hate to break the news to you, but, you should’ve been better prepped, because I’m black.”

That exchange tells us all we need to know about the balkanization of the dialogue in our country today.

Read the entire article HERE.

Why the 2020 Democratic primary could turn into ‘Lord of the Flies’

Via NBC News

Top party insiders see a real possibility that superdelegates could play a role at a brokered convention.

The 2020 Democratic presidential race has just begun, but party insiders and strategists are running out of terms to capture the potential for chaos if several candidates raise enough money — and win enough delegates — to keep the race competitive deep into the primary calendar.

“Free for all,” “Thunderdome,” and “Lord of the Flies” are among the analogies.

It’s even possible — many Democrats say more likely than at any time in modern history — that the leading candidate will finish with a plurality but not a majority of delegates, leading to a brokered convention.

“It’s a real possibility, particularly if the field remains large until the end,” said Jaime Harrison, associate chair of the Democratic National Committee and a former chair of the South Carolina branch of the party. “The DNC officer in me is cringing, while the political junkie in me is fascinated.”

If several candidates run deep into the race, the competition for cash and delegates could turn brutal, according to Jeff Berman, who devised delegate strategies for Barack Obama in 2008 and Hillary Clinton in 2016 and helped rewrite the party’s nominating rules.

“It could be like ‘Lord of the Flies,'” Berman said.

Read the entire article HERE.

How the Clinton machine flooded the FBI with Trump-Russia dirt … until agents bit

By John Solomon

When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. That’s what Hillary Clinton’s machine did in 2016, eventually getting the FBI to bite on an uncorroborated narrative that Donald Trump and Russia were trying to hijack the presidential election.

Between July and October 2016, Clinton-connected lawyers, emissaries and apologists made more than a half-dozen overtures to U.S. officials, each tapping a political connection to get suspect evidence into FBI counterintelligence agents’ hands, according to internal documents and testimonies I reviewed and interviews I conducted.

In each situation, the overture was uninvited. And as the election drew closer, the point of contact moved higher up the FBI chain.

It was, as one of my own FBI sources called it, a “classic case of information saturation” designed to inject political opposition research into a counterintelligence machinery that should have suspected a political dirty trick was underway.

Read the entire article HERE.

CONFIRMED: Covington Antagonist Nathan Phillips Is A Liar Who Never Served In Vietnam

Via The Federalist

New evidence shows that Native American activist Nathan Phillips has been identifying himself as a Vietnam War veteran, when in fact, he was never deployed overseas.

Phillips was described as a Vietnam veteran in interviews with media after his confrontation with Covington Catholic students at the Lincoln memorial. In reality, Phillips served in the Marine Corps Reserve, but never set foot in Vietnam and many newspapers had to issue corrections. Videos and photos posted on Facebook provide new evidence of Phillips’ stolen valor.

“I’m a Vietnam Vet. I served in Marine Corps ’72 to ’76. I got discharged May 5, 1976,” Phillips said in a video recorded on Jan. 3, 2018. “I got honorable discharge and one of the boxes in there shows if it was peacetime or, what my box says is that I was in theater. I don’t talk much about my Vietnam times.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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