Liberal Praying For Mass Shooting To Get Gun Control Passed

My headline is a little deceptive. It says a liberal is praying for a mass shooting and we all know that the left are godless, while praying implies some kind of religious faith. Let’s just say a liberal hoping for the deaths of many innocent people so the democrats in Congress can pass unconstitutional gun control. Just the fact that a liberal is wishing for a a mass shooting to ram an anti-gun agenda down our throats proves how horrible the left is and as well as their complete lack of morality.

Before we get started, I’d like to point out that this call for a mass shooting comes from a guy named Dick Polman. No, seriously. That’s his name. I checked out his bio and apparently he’s married to another lefty writer named C*nt Holwoman. Okay, maybe that last thing was made up, but he really is named Dick Polman. If I were him, I’d go by Richard, but whatever.

In any case, Dick Polman wrote a piece for The Atlantic bragging about how the new democrat majority in the House of Representatives is kicking ass with their gun control agenda. Sure, they haven’t passed any gun bills and if they did the Republican controlled Senate would laugh ‘em off the Hill, but this isn’t a serious person writing about anything real. Case and point:

Democrats have indeed figured the issue out—by morphing from wimps to warriors on gun reform.


The highlight of this article comes when Polman lays out what he thinks it will take for democrats to actually pass a gun control law:

The Democrats’ championing of gun reform is not currently a first-tier story, but a new massacre would likely make it so (although the shooting deaths Wednesday of five people in a Florida bank has barely registered).

This sentence could have just as easily been constructed as: If only someone would murder a bunch of people with a firearm, we could finally take away people’s Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Imagine being such a vile piece of shit that you wish for innocent people to die just so a basic civil right could be eliminated. Serial killers and dictators aren’t this awful.

Somehow Polman made this even worse with the very next sentence:

Going forward, there will be a vocal counter-narrative to the ritual Republican “thoughts and prayers,”…this time the Democrats, unlike their forebears in the recent past, will not be firing blanks.

Putting this altogether, if Poleman gets his mass shooting, democrats can pass their unconstitutional gun control because in exploiting a pile of dead bodies they can tell Republicans to shut up with their sympathy for the victims. It’s hard to be this shitty of a person, but Polman pulls it off effortlessly.

Finally, Polman tips the democrats hand for 2020:

A little more than three years ago, the conservative activist Grover Norquist confidently declared, “When [Democrats] start to say … that people with guns are somehow connected to mass murders, that’s what turns voters off.” Democratic candidates will happily test that proposition in 2020.

So democrats are going to run on a platform that the millions of law-abiding gun owners in America are really a bunch of mass murderers? Good luck with that. I was already pretty certain that that the House is going to flip back to Republican control, but if this is what the dems are going to be running on, it’s a guarantee.

Is it a coincidence that a guy named “Dick Polman” wants people to die to help advance his and the democrats’ fascist gun control agenda? Probably not. Actually it would weird if this dude wasn’t a massive pole-smoking dick.