Stacey Abrams Gets Super Bowl Commercial To Claim That She Was Cheated Out Of Votes

Democrat sore loser Stacey Abrams, a racist bomb thrower who lost the race for Georgia’s governorship last November will be airing an ad during today’s Super Bowl to claim that the election was stolen from her by white supremacist voter fraud.

The 45-year-old radical who once burned a state flag on the Georgia state capitol’s steps and vowed to sandblast the Confederate images off of the Stone Mountain Monument had she won the governorship is not a very telegenic figure but has been tabbed by Chuck and Nancy to deliver the rebuttal to President Trump’s upcoming State of the Union Address and today’s ad spot will introduce her to an audience of millions.

The gap-toothed Abrams who has a physique that would seem to qualify her to play offensive guard for the Atlanta Falcons and who has a curious resemblance to Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in drag will get her star turn before a national television audience where she will engage in the now standard playing of the race card that has become the party’s bread and butter absent any real ideas.

Today she will kick off her 2020 Senate campaign as one of the vomit-inducing leftist propaganda spots that will arguably be bigger than the game between the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams.

According to The Daily Caller:

Failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams will star in a Super Bowl commercial on Sunday to talk about her campaign for election reform.

“Every vote should be counted from every corner of our state,” Abrams says in the 30-second advertisement, which is set to air during the Super Bowl in numerous Georgia regional markets. “Join us in the fight for election reform. Take a selfie and share your support.”

The Georgia Democrat was joined by Natalie Crawford, a GOP county commissioner who also faced a close election in 2018, giving the ad a tinge of bipartisanship.

The commercial — which will cost roughly $100,000 and also be featured digitally — is the latest in Abrams’ campaign to change Georgia’s voter laws. After losing a close gubernatorial election in November, the former Democratic leader of the Georgia state House has continued to claim she was a victim of voter suppression.

Despite losing to former GOP Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp by a margin of over 54,700 votes on Election Day, Abrams waited several days until she acknowledged she wouldn’t be the next governor of Georgia. She has since maintained, without evidence, that Kemp used his position as secretary of state to tilt the election in his favor.

Abrams went on to launch Fair Fight Action, a voting rights group that is behind the Super Bowl ad and actively suing Georgia over its electoral policies.

Here’s the ad for a woman who is about as telegenic as a hippo and should seriously consider dental implants before rolling out a national presence.

One more reason not to watch the Super Bowl – as if any was needed and more proof that Democrats no longer respect the will of the voters as they continue their march to open communism.