Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Welcome to Terrible Tuesday, the evil twin of Monday.

The Nazification Of The Democrats

Via American Greatness

In America’s current political climate, Democrats are making frequent use of terms they understand poorly at best. To silence debate and criticism, Democrats routinely employ labels such as “Fascist,” “Nazi,” or “racist” to shut down and intimidate their political targets. Ironically, however, as Democrats engage this way they are quickly adopting the very characteristics of those groups they supposedly despise.

Most notably, the Democrats increasingly display anti-Semitism along with their hostility to Christianity, traditional American values, and individual liberty. The recent revelation that Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) tweeted in 2012 that Israel had “hypnotized the world” is a clear indication of where the Democratic Party is headed—and why Americans should worry.

Beginning with Omar’s tweet about Israel “hypnotizing” the world, the congresswoman’s sentiment is a common theme in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. In the 1925 screed that became the centerpiece of Nazi thought, Hitler routinely accuses Jews of undertaking a “campaign of lies” while lamenting the supposed “ignorance of the broad masses” and “narrow-mindedness of the upper classes” about Jews . While Democrats and the Left routinely attempt to distance their hatred of Israel from anti-Semitism, their opprobrium of the Jewish state similarly parallels that of the late Nazi führer. In Mein Kampf, Hitler accuses Zionists of wanting a Jewish state in order to have a “central organization for their international world swindle.” Omar sounds exactly like a real Nazi.

Read the entire article HERE.

Sacrificing Northam Will Not Be Enough

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Is America a good country, or has she, like Virginia, such a past of sins and crimes as to make her eternally ashamed and for which she should make eternal amends? Does America owe the world?

Should Western civilization be held responsible for what it has done through the centuries to persons of color the world over? Should we conduct a purging of monuments to all of America’s “white racists,” as antifa and its allies are determined to do in Virginia?

The Democratic Party may believe that by throwing Northam to the wolves it will satisfy these forces. It won’t.

We are at the beginning of a Kulturkampf to purge America of all monuments and tributes to the white males who created, built and ruled the country, and once believed that they, their nation, their faith, and their civilization were superior to all others. And, without apology, they so acted in the world.

Those two guys drinking beer in blackface and Klan robes and a hood thought they were being funny, but to the unamused members of a radicalized Democratic Party, there is nothing funny about them.

And, after Northam, these intolerant people will demand that the Democratic Party nominate a candidate who will echo their convictions about America’s past.

Read the entire article HERE.

Decepticon Mitch Fires Trump Impeachment Warning with U.S. Senate Demand to Keep Troops in Afghanistan/Syria…

By Sundance

The front-story is that Mitch McConnell organized his Decepticon coalition to warn President Trump not to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Syria. However, the more true back-story is McConnell warning President Trump that he has assembled his impeachment coalition.

The Senate passed a “sense of the senate” resolution today demanding that President Trump keep troops actively engaged in perpetual war.

The resolution passed the cloture vote by a margin of 68 to 23. When you understand the background of the ‘Senate Cloture Scheme’ (see Trade Promotion Authority and TPP), today’s Senate vote essentially highlights the Decepticon caucus. [The Big Club]

Those who have followed Mitch McConnell for a long time will immediately notice the republican names in his coalition. They are the identical recipients of direct payments made by U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue.

Notice also that Senator McConnell timed his rebuke against President Trump to take place just prior to the State of the Union address.

In addition to demanding perpetual war (and all the financial benefits therein), the republican vote is a signal to the republican President that he will not be allowed to defy the will of the Big Club.

Read the entire article HERE.

Los Angeles Is Dealing With A Deadly, Flea-Borne Typhus Outbreak

A veteran Los Angeles City Hall official is one of the latest victims of an epidemic of the infectious disease typhus that continues to worsen across LA County.

For months, LA County public health officials have said typhus is mainly hitting the homeless population.

But Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor, tells NBC4 she was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches.

“It felt like somebody was driving railroad stakes through my eyes and out the back of my neck,” Greenwood told the I-Team. “Who gets typhus? It’s a medieval disease that’s caused by trash.”

Greenwood believes she contracted typhus from fleas in her office at City Hall East. Fleas often live on rats, which congregate in the many heaps of trash that are visible across the city of LA, and are a breeding ground for typhus.

“There are rats in City Hall and City Hall East,” Greenwood added. “There are enormous rats and their tails are as long as their bodies.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s wet dream

Via The American Thinker

In the land of make-believe, where Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lives, she believes that enacting a 70% tax rate on America’s wealthiest would help offset the phenomenal cost of her Green New Deal, which she claims will turn the country into an oasis with no more carbon emissions. In reality, the congressional freshman has no idea how the simplest mathematics works.

There are 540 billionaires who live in America. The combined wealth among them amounts to $2.4 trillion. Even if she were able to fulfill her fantasy and assemble a Stasi force that could seize all of their assets and leave the bourgeois Americans destitute, she wouldn’t have enough money to run the government for eight months.

America doesn’t have a problem with the wealthy “not paying their fair share” as proponents of her wild tax proposal claim. The top 10% of U.S. taxpayers pay over 70% of all federal taxes. And those at the very top, the “1%” account for the largest share of individual paid taxes, more than the bottom 90% combined. They are already paying their fair share…and then some.

Maybe supporters of the Green New Deal could recognize that the U.S. has a spending problem. Sandy O’s proposal is to spend more than $700B a year on lowering carbon emissions and renewable energy sources. She’s hoping to offset this by taxing billionaires to death and cutting the defense spending in half. Basically, she is willing to compromise the safety and security of every citizen to see her utopian desires made real.

Read the entire article HERE.

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