Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims America For Latinos And Indigenous People

You just got served, whitey. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has claimed the entire United States for the American Indians and their rightful heirs, the Latinos. On a day where she introduced her “Green New Deal” that would kill all the cows, eliminate air travel, and have every building in the country destroyed, she somehow managed to out-stupid herself. The dingbat socialist says that all of America belongs to the indigenous people and Latinos who she claims are descended from them. Who wants to tell her that’s not how it works?

Ocasio-Cortez held a press conference to talk about her “Green New Deal” that is so hilariously bad that even the democrats are pointing and laughing. Somehow this speech about global warming became a fact-free bitch-fest about racism and immigration.

“There is no justice and there is no combating climate change without addressing what has happened to indigenous communities,” said Ocasio Cortez.

With that in mind, Ocasio-Cortez held another press conference to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“We are standing on Native land, and Latino people are descendants of Native people. And we cannot be told and criminalized simply for our identity and our status,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

Does she ever wonder why Latino people speak Spanish? It might have something to do with their Spanish ancestry. She may want to go do a little more research and get back to us on this.

After claiming America for herself and and a variety of other non-white people, Ocasio-Cortez then said that everyone, especially illegal immigrants are entitled to come here and reap all of the benefits of our country.

“We are a land of laws and what that means is that every person that steps foot on this soil deserves…to have access to our Bill of Rights,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

So is she cool with illegal immigrants owning guns? I know she’s down for them to vote. She is right that we are a nation of laws and one of those laws is that you have to have permission to come here. Don’t worry, she has that covered too.

Having wrestled control of America aware from the honky establishment, Ocasio-Cortez then decided how, as the new supreme ruler, she will be spending or not spending our money, which I guess is hers as well.

“Not only will we not agree to fund them, but we are here to say that an agency like ICE, which repeatedly and systematically violates human rights, does not deserve a dime. They do not deserve a dime,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Don’t get the idea that Ocasio-Cortez is a tyrant. She will fund ICE if they meet her specific conditions.

“Until they can prove that they are honoring human rights, until they can make a good-faith effort to expand and embrace immigrants, the immigrants in this nation that have always been a part, and have always been a core element of American democracy, until they can prove good faith to an American ideal they do not deserve any resources for their radical agenda,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

That radical agenda of which she speaks is the normal enforcement of existing immigration laws. That’s literally all ICE does. They don’t make policy and they don’t invent new laws out of thin air. They arrest and deport people who are illegally present in the United States.

This chick is out of her f*cking mind. She grew up in an affluent community and then claimed the Bronx as her own. Now after serving in Congress for about a month, she’s claiming the entire United States for herself and appointing herself the sole arbiter of government spending. I’d say she has gone mad with power, but as a freshman Congresswoman she has very little power, so basically she’s just gone mad.