Hillary Clinton Congratulates Nancy Pelosi For Being A Woman

My working title for this one was “Hillary Clinton Sucks” but I didn’t think that was specific enough. At a recent estrogen-fest the failed presidential candidate congratulated Nancy Pelosi for…being a woman, I guess. It’s unclear what accomplishment Hillary was giving Pelosi a “you go, girl” for so I’m assuming it because the California democrat is lacking a Y-chromosomes. Since this is from Hillary Clinton it’s both stupid and completely lacking in self-awareness, or in other words, very funny.

Hillary made a video to give Pelosi a thumbs up at the 2019 MAKERS Conference, which is a gathering of feminist man-haters. Hillary explained that she’s way to busy to attend in person, but I suspect it’s because this would have been a free speaking gig. She did the laziest possible thing instead and made a minute and a half hard-to-imbed video from one of her many mansions.

“You know the tidal wave of women and young people running for office is helping to build an America that’s not only kinder, fairer, bigger hearted, but safer, stronger and more secure. And as Speaker Nancy Pelosi — doesn’t that sound that great  — has proved yet again, it often takes a woman to get the job done,” said Hillary.

Imagine if a Republican man congratulated Mitch McConnell by saying, “sometimes it takes a man to get the job done.” That would be sexist AF, but it’s totally cool for Hillary to say it about women.

Actually, if according to Hillary sometimes it takes a woman to get the job done, by default that means most of the time it takes a man to git r done. I don’t think she meant it that way, but I do want to give her credit for finally stumbling upon the truth.

So the question is, what job did Nancy Pelosi get done? Hillary says that women and young people have made America safer, stronger, and more secure, which is a lie and certainly doesn’t apply to Pelosi. The only thing she’s done since taking over as Speaker of the House is shutting down the government because she doesn’t want any kind of barrier to keep illegal immigrants and terrorists from entering the country. That’s the complete opposite of making this country safer.

“I’ve said for many years, and I believe it more fiercely than ever that standing up for the rights and opportunities for women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century. Finishing that business is going to take all of us,” Hillary said.

What a bold statement. She’s standing up for rights that exist already and aren’t threatened by anyone. What’s the unfinished business she’s going to help take care of? Are there any rights that women and girls don’t have? Of course there aren’t, so this is just Hillary pretending like she’s a feminist crusader. Maybe she ought to talk about the rights of the women her husband sexually assaulted. Those women could use a little support.

If you are schooled in the art of Clinton-speak as I am, you may have noticed that Hillary said that she’s going to run for president again. She says this bogus fight for women’s rights is going to take “all of us” including her. She’s definitely not done with politics and she’s using this empty statement to insert herself back into it.

“This is a pivotal moment and all together, I believe, there is nothing we can’t do,” said Hillary.

I can think of at least a few things Hillary can’t do: winning a presidential election or keeping her husband’s interest spring immediately to mind. What about walk down some stairs unassisted or remain conscious on mild day?

What makes this the most puzzling is that I don’t get the impression that Nancy Pelosi is even attending the MAKERS Conference. Why the hell did Hillary make a video congratulating her for having saggy boobs? I think the answer is that Hillary really wants people to see her as a leader of the progressive/feminist movement and a viable presidential candidate in 2020.

So yeah, maybe I should have stuck with the title “Hillary Clinton Sucks” or perhaps gone with “Hillary Is Still Full Of Shit.”